
Showing posts from October, 2021


  CONSEQUENCES OF RELUCTANCE. Reluctance is a dangerous and destructive virus;it can bring down a powerful association and destroy a well-matured union;it can reduce the benefits of a successful initiative to nothing and set back the gains of a decent accomplishment;it can bring about failure to achieve the benefits of a long time dream and foil the materialization of a particular crucial endeavor.We are being troubled of it we the people of the physical universe;our naturally justified missions and endeavors are seeing their demise because of our weakness induced by the powers of reluctance troubling us now and then;doubtfulness haunt us from time to time due to the very same weakness seeing its way into our lives through  the existing reluctance that has found a breeding ground in our hearts and minds;and for that matter;our lives has been reduced into a common ground of bitterness;sorrow and wailing that seem to be proliferating rather than diminishing;and as one day do pas...


  EMOTIONAL COURAGE. Emotions  themselves are quite natural;no one is free from them;they are indiscriminate in terms of racial and tribal classification and identity;they do have that natural power to swing us to one direction or the other;yet we have been gifted with that natural potential to control and squeeze them every time they do try to channel us into a particular direction;in fact;we can manage to conquer them at times or they can still manage to put us under that particular conquest sometimes;it is just more of what kind of situation we are in when that particular emotional swing do play its role. I remember one day when I was still trying to find a new love after having lost the old one I used to have with my wife;the one who I had already concluded that she is the final one in my love life;I came across this young beautiful lass while  I was still doing my shopping in this particular store;she was standing behind the counter busy serving customers;she put on ...


  PARENTAL ROLE. Most recently;I have been having this short conversation with this passer-by who didn't mind having to waste some fewer seconds in my place even though his employers were waiting for him over there.In such a short space of time that this good life had given us we managed to touch on a particular heart-breaking and sensitive issue involving our little children and us their parents.Our children themselves are the future elders and leaders of society;whereas we as their parents are the grooming mentors and advisors that do help prepare them for that future role of true responsibility;and therefore;whatever failure that do emanate on their part will leave us with that status of liability;unless we had initially tried to better  groom and prepare them and then they had proven to be disobedient and stubborn.  The main point and climax of our conversation was reached as we landed on the issue of spoiling these same children.Well;since we were all parents we had ...


  SAME LIFE. It is true that in this life no human being was born an outcast;rather born of parents and then introduced to relatives and friends within the existing community;and then before that crucial introduction a name was chosen;under certain circumstances and reasons;for that particular new member of the existing society.And then the final follow-up was the welcoming ceremony;in anyway whatsoever;of that new member of the family and society at large.But then;life was not to end up right there for this new member of both the family and society at large;no;not at all;the future lay ahead for them to explore and experiment with;they had to grow up;be independent and eventually;become responsible for any choice made and decision undertaken in their new life of the future.And of course;as this same life do proceed with its own dynamics;this previously new member of the family and society at large;who would have now acquired that experience about their life and surroundings at lar...


  SWEET HOME. So goes the saying that there is no sweeter place than being at home;and truly speaking there is no place more sweeter than the one where to find one's self surrounded by the people who are closer to one's heart;sharing all the good benefits and moments this good life has in offer;and therefore;home is the perfect place where all such experiences are to be encountered.But;it depends what lifestyle someone is following;that might ensure them the attainment of all such things that are closer to their heart every time they are with those people who are closer to their heart;now that the sweetness of home itself is only guaranteed by the goodness shared among concerned members;much as it is that the existing goodness itself is guaranteed by the mutual cooperation generated among concerned members of the very same unit that is called home;where honesty;obedience;respect and trust can come to characterize the prevailing domestic atmosphere.And in the absence of all thes...


  PERSONAL AWARENESS. Personal knowledge and understanding is the most essential and crucial ingredient of personal awareness and consciousness;it creates that sense of personal confidence that won't influence that personal confusion about one's purpose in life;it boost that sense of comfort and personal oneness that won't influence that internal divisions in one's personal character;and as that personal consciousness do flourish  that understanding about one's personal responsibilities in this life will also grow up.Without that personal knowledge and understanding  we won't attain that personal consciousness;and in the absence of that personal consciousness we would stumble and never know what responsibility we should fulfill and live up to;and as we do stumble in our lives as a result of growing confusions in us;effected by the lack of personal consciousness;our adversaries and detractors will find it simple to destroy our lives;and as they do wreak that dest...


WEAKNESS. The  natural responsibilities given to each and every living organism can never change from what they are supposed to be into something different, same applies to the purposefulness for which each and every creature has been created,now that there is no any living creature that is above the natural laws and regulations around which this same physical life do rotate.It can only take the most rebellious and stubborn to choose to stand against what has been naturally set up and confirmed,unless that wrongful deed is committed mistakenly, but it is a total impossibility for one mistake to be committed without any subsequent insight into the the future avoidance of similar problem,now that in this life to each and every problem there is a solution,much as it is that to every question there is an answer. The knowledge about what is right and wrong will always be among us as the natural living creatures,though coming to us in different forms and methods given our different weakn...


  TRUTHFULNESS. The most interesting part of life lies in the fact that the truthfulness that comes with it is inflexible;realistic and impossible to bypass;and even though one might try to fake it it will only be for a little while;and when the time has eventually come for all to be in the fore and known nothing can stop it.Even though one might consider themselves gifted in their life of deception and then feel confident in their deceptive activities;when the time for their deceptive commitments to be exposed and revealed they would find themselves left with nothing to help cover up their evil and wicked deeds of deception;all these after having been given that chance in life to give up their deceptive culture and comply with what is necessary. But despite this interesting nature of this life we as the physical creatures are having this history of deceptive tendencies;where some of us had from time to time been of this obsession to suppress what should be known and then afterward...


  REFLECTIONS. In physical life there can never be anything that is highly definitive and reflective than the practical action itself.It is in this same practical action wherein lies the main truth about what the initial but invisible intention and obsession had always been;and even though that particular intent had been unknown before everything about it shall eventually be observed and revealed through the execution of that practical action;and until that particular action had been practically done it shall be declared as nonexistent and unproven;that is how the physical life proceeds and how the physical universe operates. As we do get on with our daily lives as the physical servants of this life we had been making different assertions one after another;our mouths had been so wide open as we arrogantly made certain empty claims;and as our invisible words made such assertions and claims the life of physicality had been awaiting on a standby to come and reprove us.We had foolishly...


  EXONERATED EXISTENCE. There is nothing in life that can outdo the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction generated by the knowledge and understanding about the true identity of one's self.This is personal knowledge and understanding that do generate that sense of personal confidence and then boost the consciousness about one's surroundings;and through that consciousness emanating from the knowledge of personal identity appropriate choices will then be made and well-informed decisions undertaken.The companions selected as a perfect preference by the one under the influence of conscious knowledge and understanding will always fall under the barriers of consciousness and personal awareness;now that the avoidance of conflict of interests will always be found in interests of a mutual nature. Given the fact that this life itself is of a complicated nature,confusions and frustrations will keep troubling and haunting us as we do get on with our daily lives,but despite the impulsive pr...


  UNCONTROLLABLE POWERS. Now;life is having its own way of making things to happen;no one has been given that power to control it;no one knows what will tomorrow bring with itself and such secrets of that knowledge lies with the powers of life itself.When that time has come for what has from time to time been decided of this life itself to be fulfilled;nothing will succeed in bringing around what had not been intended and turn away what had been intended;and great luck is with us the physical structures;now that the capacity to fulfill the desires of our hearts and minds has been preserved for us all;thanks to the magical powers of this life. In such capacities and potentials to help fulfill the desires of our hearts lies the direction of our physical life;and as we keep committing ourselves to a particular deed life itself would be taking its own decisions about what we do actually deserve;and when the time to get what we do deserve has finally come everything will be given to us ...


UTILIZED TIME. That particular day as I was still doing my daily assignments a certain young man came knocking in at my place;I guessed from the tone of his voice who he might be;I mean I was on  one side of my place when he came knocking on the other;and of course;I reluctantly stood up from where I had been sitting while conducting my usual daily assignments;I had no choice but to do just that;I had already accepted my situation and therefore;compliance was necessary. A s I proceeded to where the voice came from I then realized I had guessed right;it was him;I had not missed the point surely;but then;he had a troubled mind;stressed out and in need of proper guidance.It is not that he had no friends nor parents that he might consult with;no;not at all;they were there but then what he expected and  wanted is what he never got out of them all;he was really dry for proper advice;and the great challenge lay on his preparedness and seriousness to heed that good advice and proper g...


  NATURAL DRUG. Love is a natural drug whose effect can never be resisted nor ignored;its power stands predominant and intrusive;and when it aims itself on one the percentage of resistance on the main target remains at its lowest,thus torturing them;they would then be left with no peace of mind in them and then find themselves compelled to conform to the intrusive pressure emanating from the effect of that romantic power;and as their reluctance to comply keeps them in deterrence the spell of that romantic magic would see them through to a complying ending;that is love and we are weaker unto it.  Hatred on the other hand is made up of similar  powers;but great lies in the fact that every time that spell of it tries to effect its influence the romantic spell would keep on battling it;and the resultant effect would then see the main target questioning themselves about the motive behind their hatred;and as the motive proves to be ridiculous to the protagonist then the romanti...


  RECOGNITION OF OPPORTUNITIES. One day as I was still carrying out my usual daily tasks of trying to make a living and generate that personal income through some other available means;someone as usual as it has always been came knocking in my place for one reason or the another.We all know how challenging this life is;sometimes we would find ourselves;of course;being compelled to search for proper means through which to put bread and butter on the table for our little stars and make sure they are all happy in their lives straight in to the future.There is nothing more great and fulfilling in life than for one parent to see how happy and joyous their little children becomes at their  realization of their beloved parent's presence;such is an experience that do create and inspire that feel of close intimacy and dignified responsibility where in the absence of one family member others would feel that something great is really missing. This same visitor of that day was not of my a...


  THE GENEROSITY OF LIFE. In this life wherein we do find ourselves a lot of things do really happen;sometimes they can be pleasant and appeasing whereas in other times they might prove disappointing and unwelcome;it just depend actually from which side of this life do such realities reach us.It cannot be argued on one hand that despite such diverse realities that this life do tend to direct over unto us opportunities are also given;such are opportunities that would also reach us from different angles and in different forms;it still depend how aware are we the people of such given opportunities and how prepared are we to take advantage of them and straightaway  utilize them. However;it is just about everyone with that right to make choices in this life regarding what life they are obsessed with and what goals they are chasing after.I remember one day when I was just having my concentration fixed onto a particular usual task of mine;there came this long time friend of mine who ...


  THE PHYSIC. Some time in my life I found myself sitting there in a mistakable solitary away from noisy and consistently curious little children.And as I sat silently on my own there my mental attention was captured by the state of affairs in which I do personally live and lived before;I spent some time counting on the failures and successes I managed so far in my personal life while drafting some new plans on how to face the current and oncoming challenges posed by this life itself;and of course;I would eventually reach a certain personal conclusion on how to deal with each individual problem;that  would be the attainment of my personal relief and momentary satisfaction;at least according to my mind. By then;my wife of several years;together with whom I spent my life dealing with those ravaging challenges in the face of those domestic scuffles and squabbles that seemed almost insurmountable and stubborn to pass away;had just independently decided enough is enough  and t...


  PERSONAL INTROSPECTION. As we do get on with this life of challenges and temptations;and being confused about what should be done to avoid a particular unwelcome situation;being desperate for proper knowledge and understanding with which to attain our victory over such distressful and troublesome challenges;wondering who will come to our rescue and straightaway feed us with informational guidance with which to advance to a life of fulfillment and completeness;feeling consumed and worked out by the riveting realities of this life;yet we would find ourselves having eventually arrived at the final decision and straightaway fulfill the desires of our hearts and minds. The final decisions we do always make and take will always be a reflection of our mental state and desires of our own hearts;and even though we might be tempted to try and disguise our real desires that will only be for a little while;now that our final conducts and habits alongside our commitments and deeds will always...


  MISSING LOVE. Life was naturally given to us to live together in harmony;love and peace; we were also created to respect and be gentle towards each other;show our kindness and loyal honesty towards others.We were created to be truthful and humble;have all the tempting impulses of negativity pushed behind our physical structures and trampled below our feet;hatred and prejudice had to be overridden by our commitments and deeds of tenderness and sheer generosity.Our society and overall surroundings had to be a place of peace and serenity; a place of calmness and personal introspection;a place of sheer consciousness where knowledge and understanding do flourish;and a place of sympathetic equity where each living organism can live next to each other without any fear of victimization and adversity.This is life;it has been given to us all as natural mortals. The situation on the ground is not what it is supposed to be however;here what is to be done is not what is being done and what sh...


LIMITED POWERS.  As normal and natural mortals beholden to the compulsions of this natural life we have been gifted with but little amount of powers to control and rule;and it can not be denied that we would at times find ourselves wishing great power to control and rule had been bestowed on us while forcefully trying to claim such powers naturally placed out of our reach.Sometimes we would even go as far as committing ourselves into certain deeds perceived to be prejudicial by those against whom they are being committed;all these as part of our mission to obtain such powers placed way beyond our reach.We would not even  mind about the eventual consequence of that particular deed;all these as we are highly focused only on the instant benefit coming with that particular deed;no matter what nature of that particular benefit.That drive for that particular deed would be burning us deep inside there;thus depriving us of any mental serenity until we have complied.  But;as we do...