CONSEQUENCES OF RELUCTANCE. Reluctance is a dangerous and destructive virus;it can bring down a powerful association and destroy a well-matured union;it can reduce the benefits of a successful initiative to nothing and set back the gains of a decent accomplishment;it can bring about failure to achieve the benefits of a long time dream and foil the materialization of a particular crucial endeavor.We are being troubled of it we the people of the physical universe;our naturally justified missions and endeavors are seeing their demise because of our weakness induced by the powers of reluctance troubling us now and then;doubtfulness haunt us from time to time due to the very same weakness seeing its way into our lives through the existing reluctance that has found a breeding ground in our hearts and minds;and for that matter;our lives has been reduced into a common ground of bitterness;sorrow and wailing that seem to be proliferating rather than diminishing;and as one day do pas...