Some time in my life I found myself sitting there in a mistakable solitary away from noisy and consistently curious little children.And as I sat silently on my own there my mental attention was captured by the state of affairs in which I do personally live and lived before;I spent some time counting on the failures and successes I managed so far in my personal life while drafting some new plans on how to face the current and oncoming challenges posed by this life itself;and of course;I would eventually reach a certain personal conclusion on how to deal with each individual problem;that would be the attainment of my personal relief and momentary satisfaction;at least according to my mind.
By then;my wife of several years;together with whom I spent my life dealing with those ravaging challenges in the face of those domestic scuffles and squabbles that seemed almost insurmountable and stubborn to pass away;had just independently decided enough is enough and thus packed her everything and straightaway hit the road.Well;she had all the right to do what she considered suitable and necessary;at least I assumed;and as such there was no need for me to keep interrogating her in terms of why the break-up and where to from here;no;she surely was free to do things according to the desires of her own heart and plans of her own mind;same as I myself had to come with new plans on how to deal with this new challenge;that is life after all.
So,when I was mentally captured by those realities I also worried about the children in terms of how are they going to cope under such circumstances,but worries are natural whereas a proper way out of a particular problem is a must, same applies to the right solution. So,I started calculating the terms of the initial agreement and contract signed privately between I and her before we could even move in together,romance had drugged us all as we were laying down such romantic conditions altogether,it is just a natural aspect of romance,I later told myself.
So,when it all happened and I found myself sitting down there memorizing about all those riveting realities,I also wondered what is actually important in the world of romance between these two crucial aspects of this phenomenon,love and marriage.Well,since I was all on my own I had to find perfect and satisfying answers to this same question on my own, and as I struggled for that perfection I concluded to myself that there is no any importance at all that is existent in one aspect of romance while the other is missing,marriage.
Well,complicated as it may have been or seemed to me I still had no choice but to come down to the core of my standpoint on this troublesome but realistic phenomenon called love. And so I told myself that marriage itself is completely meaningless in the absence of true love, and for that matter,it is even useless to bother suffering one's self into something like that when there is no solid foundation of true love underlying that marital agreement and contract,for in the absence of that true love everything will end up in tatters through the course of time, and where disagreements and quarrels are rife destruction is bound to take place.Of course, where there is destruction happiness can never be found at all;let alone bitterness and betrayal of each other.
Love itself on the other hand is something whose qualities and fulfillment is realized between a number of more than one character;and therefore; it is impossible for one character to claim they are loving without having proven that claim through practical and observable actions;and again such act and practice of fulfillment can never be realized without the actual target unto whom they are aimed and dedicated;and as such it is useless for one to claim they are loving without showing that love to the one next to them;same as it useless for one to bind themselves in a marital agreement and contract void of a foundational and basic true love;the love characterized by aspects of respect for one another no matter what challenging life difficulties;and only by then can one feel free to conclude they have found the love of their life where marriage can be the final destination.
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