Reluctance is a dangerous and destructive virus;it can bring down a powerful association and destroy a well-matured union;it can reduce the benefits of a successful initiative to nothing and set back the gains of a decent accomplishment;it can bring about failure to achieve the benefits of a long time dream and foil the materialization of a particular crucial endeavor.We are being troubled of it we the people of the physical universe;our naturally justified missions and endeavors are seeing their demise because of our weakness induced by the powers of reluctance troubling us now and then;doubtfulness haunt us from time to time due to the very same weakness seeing its way into our lives through  the existing reluctance that has found a breeding ground in our hearts and minds;and for that matter;our lives has been reduced into a common ground of bitterness;sorrow and wailing that seem to be proliferating rather than diminishing;and as one day do pass by we would find ourselves being hopeful of possible betterment;only to be baffled by the gloominess of the future paved for by our tendency to be reluctant in working for that betterment in action and not word alone.Life itself is very deep;and it does require deep knowledge to understand it.

As we get on with our lives we would find ourselves bound to fulfill certain commitments and responsibilities;through  which  our status of perfection is to be attained and acquired;only to be reduced into a state of condemnation and disgust when deeply consumed by the powers of reluctance that would have seen us becoming completely ignorant and unwilling to live up to our necessary responsibilities.Such a disastrous failure to comply would then assure us deep confusion and frustrations;leaving us feeling totally consumed  and worked out while wondering what is it that we have done  to ensure that particular situation.Given the intensity of ravaging temptations existent in our lives we would then think it is better for us to choose to digress from whatever goodness should be done;and then straightaway submit ourselves to the brutal and cruel impulse of negativity;and by the time we had already decided to have all such things that are demonstrative of our desire to be brutal and cruel,as a factor of our reluctance to do what is right that would have long been instilled within our hearts and minds by such an impulse and drive to be contemptuous and stubborn;life would then prepare itself to take us into its extremes;so as a mean through which to calculate the level and extent of our contempt and stubbornness. 

Given the existence of the very same tempest hovering above our heads and always in search for any prospective weakest link;we would find ourselves at times shivering and trembling at the presence of the annoying reminder ringing within our heads so as to inform us of the digression existent within our commitments and deeds;all these as a result of the weakness that would have long been instilled within us by our reluctance to be in pursuit of perfection and justifiable ways of living;and the more  we do seek to entertain and invite such a tempest into our lives  would be the more we do empower it to erode the glory of our lives;and when such graciousness of our lives has been consumed we would then feel blasphemous against this same good life and even questioning the importance of having to be alive and responsible;and the more our blasphemous and contemptuous attitudes of ours would be the more this good life seek to teach us an unforgettable lesson. 

But despite the existence of such a tempest that is always in search of any existing weakest link;there is the existence of mercy among us as the physical beings that are always baffled by the extremity of this same life.This is mercy whose sole responsibility is that one of having to monitor the operations of this same tempest;mercy to secure the availability of safety and redemption against such ravaging powers of the existing tempest;mercy presenting itself in a secretive and silent manner that do almost give it that status of unavailability and nonexistence;and in time of need it would then rise up to the occasion fulfilling its own necessary tasks and duties;and when it is done with its own guarding duties knowledge and understanding would then be with those  who had been captured thereby;and through the given knowledge and understanding the rightful shall be distinguished from the wrongful;and wherever the powers of  that mercy do come into contact with those of the tempest life will then turn sour and bitter;much alike as it is that wherever and whenever the servants of the two do meet a radical  duel and outbreak shall occur.This is life;it is very deep and highly  complicated;and for one to familiarize themselves with the extremity thereof patience is necessary.


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