In physical life there can never be anything that is highly definitive and reflective than the practical action itself.It is in this same practical action wherein lies the main truth about what the initial but invisible intention and obsession had always been;and even though that particular intent had been unknown before everything about it shall eventually be observed and revealed through the execution of that practical action;and until that particular action had been practically done it shall be declared as nonexistent and unproven;that is how the physical life proceeds and how the physical universe operates.
As we do get on with our daily lives as the physical servants of this life we had been making different assertions one after another;our mouths had been so wide open as we arrogantly made certain empty claims;and as our invisible words made such assertions and claims the life of physicality had been awaiting on a standby to come and reprove us.We had foolishly been forgetful about the fact that we are the servants of physical life and are living in a physical world;and therefore;everything we say will have to be in line with the fundamental laws of physics;practical and proven;unless we try to pretend we are living in another world beside this physical and visible one.
We have been carving ourselves a certain character and personality through our practical actions and deeds;and through such actions and deeds of ours a particular personal identity had been established;and from within the barriers of that well-established personal identity lies that historical truth about us in terms of where we belong in the world of physics;and how far we have managed to comply with the recommendations of such fundamental laws of physical life.
The benefits that we do get and the consequences that we do receive are all measured against and compared to the extent of our compliance with such fundamental laws of physics;much as it is that what we say do get tried and tested on the basis of physical laws;and there is no way that such physical laws can be ineffective in our lives;now that we are the physical beings and as such;bound by such physical bounds.
As we do try from time to time to breach and undermine such fundamental laws;given our quarrelsome and stubborn tendencies;and given our false belief that we can manage to turn the wrong to the right and the right to the wrong;life itself would give us that chance to satisfy the desires of our own hearts and realize the fulfillment of our mental contents;but no matter what given chance that final moment for our deeds to be put to the test will eventually come;and throughout the duration of that particular moment everything that we as the physical beings would be getting will be what we had initially worked for through our practical actions;liking it or not;and what physical life will find us worthy of would be in line with what we has so far done to comply with the compulsions of its laws.
As we do utilize the given opportunity to make choices in whatever possible way that may seem satisfactory to the desires of our hearts and contents of our minds;it would seem as if the day for us to get what we are provoking won't come at all;rather seem as if things will always remain unchangeable;but the processes of the fundamental laws would be progressing in a secretive manner that is deep enough to beat the physical conscience;thus being prepared by this same life to unleash their final effect on the very same physical servants;and great shall lie on the nature of the initial choice made;whether it is in line with recommended standards of compliance as far as such fundamental laws are concerned or in a state of defiance against such recommendations.It will just depend surely.
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