Emotions  themselves are quite natural;no one is free from them;they are indiscriminate in terms of racial and tribal classification and identity;they do have that natural power to swing us to one direction or the other;yet we have been gifted with that natural potential to control and squeeze them every time they do try to channel us into a particular direction;in fact;we can manage to conquer them at times or they can still manage to put us under that particular conquest sometimes;it is just more of what kind of situation we are in when that particular emotional swing do play its role.

I remember one day when I was still trying to find a new love after having lost the old one I used to have with my wife;the one who I had already concluded that she is the final one in my love life;I came across this young beautiful lass while  I was still doing my shopping in this particular store;she was standing behind the counter busy serving customers;she put on this nice and wide friendly smile,I then felt  compelled to take turns trying my romantic luck on her;and amazingly;but more fortunate to my desires and wishes;we ended up exchanging phone numbers after having introduced ourselves to each other.Another new love life had just begun;I told myself;and therefore I had to adjust;still I  told myself.

You know sometimes this life is having its own way of controlling us the people;I mean,it can just present one particular event to someone so as a mean of rescuing them from their problems while that particular person is not aware of that initiative of redemption;or choose to lead that particular person to a certain scene of unfolding experiences so as a mean of presenting a trying challenge to that person;so that out of their anticipation  and handling of that particular challenge that same person can then have a certain status carved for themselves in this same good life;or lead one into a certain time of unprecedented proportions so as a mean of trying to instill that enlightening knowledge and understanding about this same life.It is just how it operates this life;and therefore;ours as the people is nothing beside acceptance of what is given since to every particular experience that is given there is an underlying reason;but no matter  what existing reason;we don't have to be forgetful about the fact that in our quest for anticipation of those challenges and problems,thrown onto us by this same good life for various deep reasons hidden within the depths of this same life;we ought to try our best to do what is right;seeing there is a lot of temptations hovering above our heads searching for any prospective weakest link to influence and overpower.

So one day after that bout of a successful search of the new love life,I found myself having visited the same store again;now that I had to prove my seriousness about this new love through practical actions;just in case there were some sinister forces trying to overthrow my establishment.Of course;we talked;made arrangements about this and that and had some agreements made alongside those appointments that had always been expected.But when time went on;with this same romantic affair proceeding;some arguments and disagreements almost similar  to those that led to the demise of the previous union started showing off.But just how on earth that one particular problem can be avoided only to come and land on another of similar form?I silently asked myself.Something is really wrong here.I still quietly told myself.

So where to find that emotional  peace and solace I am deeply searching for and how?I wondered.As time went on and I started to explore with previous failures of those affairs,I started realizing that the problem lay with us the main protagonists in those romantic affairs and this same one;our emotional weaknesses.First;we the people don't fall in love because we do really feel that true love deep inside there;no;not at all;rather because of that exploitative drive where one would want to use the other to get what  they want and then abuse,betray,exploit or dump them.I came to realize that as my understanding about emotional weakness and the danger that it poses started to grow.First;my previous partner was emotionally weak just as I  was;the reason why no one was in any position of generating that sense  of comfort and solace every time that trying impulse of betrayal and exploitation hovered within the atmosphere of our love life.And as I realized with this same newly found romantic affair same experience was imminent and possible;and still the problem lay on our emotional weakness that would eventually see us abusing;betraying;exploiting and then dumping each other.

Sadly;this is a problem that is not exclusive to one particular racial or tribal identity;no;not at all;it is universal and completely indiscriminate;and above all; it does not trouble our love lives alone;no;not at all;rather even our social lifestyles.And as the impact of this same temptation hovering within the atmosphere of our social lifestyles starts flourishing and gaining momentum a black man don't want to respect each other on the basis of tribal differences;rather exploit and hate one another for that matter;and the white man would not see eye to eye with a black man on the basis of racial differences;rather hate or kill one another for that matter;emotional weakness is troubling us all;and to destruction is leading us.Too bad man;really bad.   


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