Now;life is having its own way of making things to happen;no one has been given that power to control it;no one knows what will tomorrow bring with itself and such secrets of that knowledge lies with the powers of life itself.When that time has come for what has from time to time been decided of this life itself to be fulfilled;nothing will succeed in bringing around what had not been intended and turn away what had been intended;and great luck is with us the physical structures;now that the capacity to fulfill the desires of our hearts and minds has been preserved for us all;thanks to the magical powers of this life.

In such capacities and potentials to help fulfill the desires of our hearts lies the direction of our physical life;and as we keep committing ourselves to a particular deed life itself would be taking its own decisions about what we do actually deserve;and when the time to get what we do deserve has finally come everything will be given to us based on our initial desires and commitments;and great shall be in that day when all is given.

What has already been given to us the physical structures can never be returned back;much as it is that whatever deed committed of us can never be undone,and the final consequence will always be in accordance with our initial deeds unless we otherwise choose to change the direction of our initial deeds for the new one.As we do choose to deviate from what we had initially started and straightaway adopt some other new measures with which to proceed with our life;so as an attempt to avoid the possibility of having to suffer similar feat to those who had been there before us;and all these after having gotten that experience about what is being provoked through a particular deed;still this life would be waiting on a standby for the realization of our final commitment;and great shall  be the nature of that final consequence to have ever been provoked by our final commitment.  

The choices that we do make in life does not compel this same life to change the nature of its original fundamental laws, and whatever ever the nature of our choices the given final consequence will always be in line with the requirements of such fundamental laws.Despite the nature of the desires of our hearts and contents of our minds as the weaker physical structures beholden to the negative impulse of evilness and excess;the nature of the recommended living standards will never be revoked and written off;and our reluctance to conform to and comply with such recommendations will not secure our release from the compulsory responsibilities.

The most challenging part of this same life lies within the extremes of its depths and the heights of its complications;and for one to familiarize themselves with the extremity of such depths and complications patience is necessary;much as it is that our impatient tendency to rush into unproven and prohibited choices and life decisions will always lead us into a destructive ending and sorrowful outcome.Our defiance of the fundamental recommendations and rejection of the natural standards of living will not deter this life from distributing what we as the rebellious and stubborn but weaker physical structures are worthy of;and every component of the necessary benefit to be distributed will be measured against our final choice made and deeds committed.

Our blasphemous attitudes and quarrelsome tendencies against such recommendations will not help compelling this life to approve what is naturally wrong and disapprove what is fundamentally right;rather help maximizing the existing gap between us and knowledge alongside understanding;and as our wrongful deeds do multiply so will be the gradual separation of knowledge and understanding from among us;and as that gap between us and knowledge do get maximized gradually frustration and desperation will pay our lives a visit;and as the two do become the part and parcel of our lives  blasphemy and quarrels shall be a trending culture and tradition;and as blasphemy and quarrels do get adopted then this life will prepare itself to take us into is extremes.Life is very deep and highly complicated;and for one to familiarize themselves with the extremity thereof patience is necessary. 


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