As normal and natural mortals beholden to the compulsions of this natural life we have been gifted with but little amount of powers to control and rule;and it can not be denied that we would at times find ourselves wishing great power to control and rule had been bestowed on us while forcefully trying to claim such powers naturally placed out of our reach.Sometimes we would even go as far as committing ourselves into certain deeds perceived to be prejudicial by those against whom they are being committed;all these as part of our mission to obtain such powers placed way beyond our reach.We would not even mind about the eventual consequence of that particular deed;all these as we are highly focused only on the instant benefit coming with that particular deed;no matter what nature of that particular benefit.That drive for that particular deed would be burning us deep inside there;thus depriving us of any mental serenity until we have complied.
But;as we do get on with all such commitments of our deeds the fundamental laws of life would not be shifting from what they naturally are into something they are not and representing;they would still remain binding and predominant as natural as they has always been.And as we do fall short of what should be done life itself would not be sparing us from consequences provoked through our failure of compliance with what is compulsory;rather leading us into the ends of what we do deserve;and as we are being denial and stubborn life itself would be showing its determination to have us getting what is surely ours;and as for a mean of escapement from what is duly ours we shall never get;for what we do work for is what we are going to get that benefit from, and what we do comply with is where our status of compliance will always come from.
So why is it that from time to time we keep complaining about this and that rather than spending our quality time trying to get to the bottom of that particular problem;and automatically find some proper ways through which to deal with that particular problem and the source that led us there?Why is it that from time to time we do tend to blame someone else for something we are not sure of;instead of trying to search for the real cause of those troublesome matters at hand?Why is it that we do tend to rush into unproven conclusions about this and that instead of making a humble concession that we never know anything?Why is it that we do tend to pretend all is right while knowing deep inside there that there is something wrong that do turn us off?Why do we choose to remain silent about things that does not sit well in us while murmuring in solitary against such disgusting realities as if we are really determined to dare them?
Could it be then that this life has eventually taken the final decision about us as failing mortals;that we should be brought to the attention of our deeds that from time to time we had been denial of while wishing that what we were suspicious of never happened?What are we going to do then if this life is determined to adamantly teach us that harsh lesson?Who are we going to point a blaming finger at then?Are we going to be evil and hateful towards each other as an attempt to find a mean of escapement from the riveting wrath of this life against us;or become blasphemous against this same life as a factor of our denial attitudes that we are being wrongful in our lifestyles?Will such blasphemous attitudes of ours help change the nature of harsh lessons that this life has already organised for us as wrongful mortals?What if this life is determined to take us through it all no matter what our blasphemous attitudes?Will we stand the consequences of our provocative deeds then;or keep multiplying the provoked anger of this life through such provocative deeds of ours?But;the main fact is that in this life there is nothing that can never come to pass when due time is around.
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