So goes the saying that there is no sweeter place than being at home;and truly speaking there is no place more sweeter than the one where to find one's self surrounded by the people who are closer to one's heart;sharing all the good benefits and moments this good life has in offer;and therefore;home is the perfect place where all such experiences are to be encountered.But;it depends what lifestyle someone is following;that might ensure them the attainment of all such things that are closer to their heart every time they are with those people who are closer to their heart;now that the sweetness of home itself is only guaranteed by the goodness shared among concerned members;much as it is that the existing goodness itself is guaranteed by the mutual cooperation generated among concerned members of the very same unit that is called home;where honesty;obedience;respect and trust can come to characterize the prevailing domestic atmosphere.And in the absence of all these aspects that serves as the ingredients of that sweet and tasty home;the sweetness thereof won't be found at all;let alone bitterness and excess.

Honesty itself is the most challenging aspect of them all;now that in its absence obedience and respect won't become a feature in this particular unit called sweet home;and as that obedience and respect goes missing trust will also give up its presence;and as that trust do vanish into obscurity so will be the sweetness and tastiness of this unit;and as that sweetness do go away mistrust and disloyalty alongside disobedience and disrespect will come creeping into this unit;and eventually;bitterness will come to characterize the prevailing domestic atmosphere.

Disloyalty itself will see one partner breaching the initial agreement approved unanimously by the leading characters of this same domestic unit;thus opening a gateway towards the  preliminary and introductory phase of substance disrespect alongside disobedience;and as that initial phase of all these do mutate and advance to another level little children of this same unit won't find it much important having to respect and obey their parents;at least choosing to take sides in terms of which parent to respect and disrespect,and in the face of that mounting disrespect and disobedience the external forces will find a perfect  platform through which to make advancing inroads to the affairs of this same unit;breaking it apart and destroying every progress that had been attained.And as everything do get destroyed confusion alongside frustration will then remember this same domestic unit and as such;pay it a visit;and eventually the concerned innocent little children will be left out to suffer.

I remember one day when I was busy talking with my employee about problems we as family leaders do come across in our homes.Well;my employee is not of my age;not at all;rather older than me;in fact;he is already getting his pensioner's social grant whereas  I am still heading there;he is this one type of person who I would send on private errands at times;let him see to it that the surroundings of my area looks clean and hygienically human;and of course;the expectation emanating from his part by fulfilling all these orders would be nothing beside the possibility of putting something on the table for his family.Well;unlike me myself his children are old enough to stand on their own and make things work;but unfortunately that's something they are not prepared to fulfill;in fact;they are still reliant on their parents no matter how old they are;drinking alcohol and in turn abusing their own parents.But as this old man usually tells me about the main culprit in this troublesome issue;his wife is having a big problem;she does not respect this old man and automatically these children have chosen to take sides in terms of who to respect and disrespect;and above all she is alcoholic and defensive of these same contemptuous children.And as he do relay all to me I would find myself speechless while in sympathy  with  him regarding the loss of sweetness that had befallen this poor man's family.Too bad!


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