The most interesting part of life lies in the fact that the truthfulness that comes with it is inflexible;realistic and impossible to bypass;and even though one might try to fake it it will only be for a little while;and when the time has eventually come for all to be in the fore and known nothing can stop it.Even though one might consider themselves gifted in their life of deception and then feel confident in their deceptive activities;when the time for their deceptive commitments to be exposed and revealed they would find themselves left with nothing to help cover up their evil and wicked deeds of deception;all these after having been given that chance in life to give up their deceptive culture and comply with what is necessary.
But despite this interesting nature of this life we as the physical creatures are having this history of deceptive tendencies;where some of us had from time to time been of this obsession to suppress what should be known and then afterwards pretend there is nothing kept as a secret behind our backs.And as part of our aim and intention to convince our target that there is nothing to this point hidden of us deep smiles would play a perfect role;all these as an attempt to help fortify the deception in ourselves.
But despite all such deceptive tendencies of ours,the truth itself would be awaiting on a standby for that suitable moment to come so as to reveal all in favor of the one that had been in pursuit of it from time to time,and by the time it let itself loose there is nothing that can help deterring it from the fulfillment of its own tasks,no matter how hard the one bent towards seeing the successful suppression of that particular truth do try.
And when that moment for all that had been momentarily suppressed has eventually come to be revealed,frustration shall be a major problem troubling the deceiver,they cannot find any chance for peace of mind in their lives,restlessness would trouble them as they try finding another mean through which to try and suppress everything,and no matter what attempt of suppression the little truth that would have already managed to breakdown that annoying suppression will also push through to get its way around, and after it had consolidated its influence where it seemed to be incapable of for some time,what had already been achieved of it would not be undone at all,much as it is that the lost success of the deceiver would not be retrieved once again,unless by a second chance offered for a particular purpose by good life on it's own.
This is where we the people do get things wrong as we would from time to time believe that all the things that we do in secret will end up right there without having to come out for all to see or know, and by the time our deceptive tactics had come to an end we would then feel ashamed and wish we had not suffered from that urge in us to entertain that negative impulse in the first place,and by the time we do feel ashamed and regretful like that it would be late,the truth would have already pushed its way through it all for all to be known and seen.
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