It is true that in this life no human being was born an outcast;rather born of parents and then introduced to relatives and friends within the existing community;and then before that crucial introduction a name was chosen;under certain circumstances and reasons;for that particular new member of the existing society.And then the final follow-up was the welcoming ceremony;in anyway whatsoever;of that new member of the family and society at large.But then;life was not to end up right there for this new member of both the family and society at large;no;not at all;the future lay ahead for them to explore and experiment with;they had to grow up;be independent and eventually;become responsible for any choice made and decision undertaken in their new life of the future.And of course;as this same life do proceed with its own dynamics;this previously new member of the family and society at large;who would have now acquired that experience about their life and surroundings at large;would find themselves faced with the reality of having to establish friendships with some others members of society while trying on the other hand to build that intimate trust between themselves and some other family members and relatives.

So;living in this kind of physical world it is quite clear that we do have a lot more of challenges to face and deal with;and the more the challenges the more the need for us to be conscious and more decisive;otherwise we will remain staggering and failing in our quest to deal with such natural but realistic challenges.However;it cannot be denied that in the face of all these natural challenges that we do experience from time to time one of them revolves around the issue of  brotherhood and sisterhood.Well;for some time in my life I have been asking myself a lot of questions related to this matter of fraternity;and in some other instances I was not being reluctant having to make an argument with my friends or close relatives about this same matter of brotherhood.I remember when I was still growing up both my mother and grandma would sit me down and issue some injunctions concerning which family I was free to visit or not free to do so;or  which children to establish a friendship with or not to do so.Well;I just cannot rush into some conclusions now and start blaming them for that;no;not at all.First I was young;inexperienced and knew nothing about life.I had to grow up firstly and then become myself.

As we made those arguments one day about this same matter of fraternity;we reached a certain point in which we all agreed that there was no need for us to keep pointing a finger at each other because of matters we ourselves as the new generation knew nothing about;rather seek to show our parents that whatever scuffles and strives they had among themselves was their own matter and for that reason;we as the new generation are having our own matters to deal with and face;and therefore;we don't have that time to be wasted on matters of advancing hatred and mounting divisions.We had to show them that in a brave and demonstratively practical manner,we had to be active indeed.

But;that kind of an activity and commitment required a lot of deep emotional courage and strength.First;the perception generated within the hearts and minds of our elders because of our current and newly adopted lifestyle that would have proven to be resistant of the traditional lifestyle based on issues of domestic adversity and hatred;where one child of one's cousin cannot be seen and treated as a  living human being by members of their close relatives.And therefore;without that emotional courage and strength that mission would not work at all;hence the need for us to be emotionally courageous and strong firstly.

Of course;some our parents would feel compelled to sit some of us down and issue deep and harshly challenging interrogations and warnings aimed at thwarting our newly adopted lifestyle and ideology;or even try to forcefully divert our missions and thus fulfill their lifetime agenda and philosophy.We had not to overlook such possibilities at all;no;not at all;rather prepare ourselves to come face to face with them;no wonder then that emotional courage and strength was necessary.We had to be strong deep inside there only if we surely wanted to rise above that imposing stumbling block of adversity and hatred;and straightaway embrace that truthful status of brotherhood and sisterhood.

This is emotional courage and strength that we do need all of us as natural living organisms;only if we are determined to live together and see each other in a friendly and mutual light;where the things that I do to someone else won't feel hurtful  when returned to me;and where I can live side by side with my neighbor without any fear of victimization no matter what different racial and tribal classification and identification. 


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