Most recently;I have been having this short conversation with this passer-by who didn't mind having to waste some fewer seconds in my place even though his employers were waiting for him over there.In such a short space of time that this good life had given us we managed to touch on a particular heart-breaking and sensitive issue involving our little children and us their parents.Our children themselves are the future elders and leaders of society;whereas we as their parents are the grooming mentors and advisors that do help prepare them for that future role of true responsibility;and therefore;whatever failure that do emanate on their part will leave us with that status of liability;unless we had initially tried to better groom and prepare them and then they had proven to be disobedient and stubborn.
The main point and climax of our conversation was reached as we landed on the issue of spoiling these same children.Well;since we were all parents we had that slight experience about life itself;I mean we had been out there and learnt a thing or two about this same life;and therefore;knew what is to be done if something else is to be achieved;and through that slight knowledge our children should be guided in this life.But it will depend of course;how far determined are we as parents;to try very hard to properly groom our children for a better future in the face of these endless temptations of different forms that are elusive in our modern surroundings;much as it can depend how obedient our children are to heed and submit themselves to grooming efforts coming from our side and based on experiences acquired throughout our childhood to where we are now;it can only depend truly speaking.
There has just been a young little school child seen buying some cigarettes and lighting one while on the way to school;he was not alone;no;not at all;his friends awaited him impatiently around the corner;all dressed in school uniform in that particular morning.That was a usual habit maybe;we assumed;or the fulfillment of a particular rite;we still guessed as the main substance of our topic started building up.
You know;when the people of my age were still young things were not as they are now;no;not all.I mean;as most of us can still remember properly we lived under strict parental supervision back then;in fact;every adult person was seen as one's parent no matter what different genetic links;they had that power and right to discipline any silly child should they come across them;and therefore;whatever mischievous activity carried out of us as little children was so done out of fear that if one might be found then things won't be as nice as they are supposed to be;we feared and respected our parents surely;and every word they spoke was final.
As we kept communicating each other on this sensitive matter involving both little children and their parents;me myself and this same hasty passer-by;who was almost getting late for work because of this minor topic that threatened to go even more deeper;proceeded to the most crucial part of this troublesome problem affecting most school children;alcohol and drugs.Well;it is true that we are now living in a democratic era where this so called political rights are at the center of our daily lifestyles;eroding every aspect of conscious living;casting confusion into our natural lives and ensuring frustrations are always having us in full grip;and as these same democratic rights do advance into their destructive extremes mostly this same little children are the ones whose future do get wasted away.
As I and this same hasty passer-by whose working day has started with this kind of the challenge most of us as parents are faced with;we decided to cut this topic short for another day;just in case time was no longer on our side to proceed;at least we had managed to reach a certain point;that we as parents we are sometimes liable for all these problems given our tendency to spoil our children with lot of money they end up spending on alcohol and drugs there at school.Drug lords are out on a prowl;school children are their main targets;and exorbitant amount of cash they do have in their pockets to spend on that;we the parents are feeding them a lot more of that cash.
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