One day as I was still carrying out my usual daily tasks of trying to make a living and generate that personal income through some other available means;someone as usual as it has always been came knocking in my place for one reason or the another.We all know how challenging this life is;sometimes we would find ourselves;of course;being compelled to search for proper means through which to put bread and butter on the table for our little stars and make sure they are all happy in their lives straight in to the future.There is nothing more great and fulfilling in life than for one parent to see how happy and joyous their little children becomes at their realization of their beloved parent's presence;such is an experience that do create and inspire that feel of close intimacy and dignified responsibility where in the absence of one family member others would feel that something great is really missing.
This same visitor of that day was not of my age nor my friend;no;not at all;at least an acquaintance of some sort.You know;I am having this big problem me myself of loving to verbally engage with some other people;albeit in a friendly manner;and I don't mind how old that person might be or what nature of their sexual orientation nor sectarian affiliation;I won't even mind what tribal classification that particular guest of mine might fall under or what nature of their ancestral belief;I would just welcome them and allow them to tarry in my place for a little while;only if time do allow us to do so;while we are busy going through issues that do matter most in life.It is just a normal practice for people to come together in one time or another and then talk more about their surroundings or share their life experiences together;especially when they are living in the same geographical location.
So;our topic that day revolved around matters of substance and material wealth;we firstly agreed over the fact that material possession plays an important part in our lives;especially in these modern times.We considered the reality that to be successful in what you are looking for firstly you will have to have that material power in your pocket.Suppose one is having their dream car or home in their mind yet with nothing in their pockets to try and realize that dream;or someone had fallen in love with this particular woman;impregnated her and then failed to provide for the necessary maintenance given their empty pockets;even though they had wished they can afford that marital status;and then observed with great dismay as men of substance do get away with his sweetheart;stole her into their lives and thus left him with a broken heart.So;it is clear that material possession rates above a lot in these modern times;from a physical standpoint at least.
But as our topic proceeded we also switched the direction of its progression and thus agreed how important it is to have that mental wealth prior to that material success;failing which the capacity to handle that material power will be a total impossibility.We relayed certain incidents we all experienced in our lives where certain individuals were favored by this life financially but ended up with nothing to show.They just squandered everything;blown away all on unnecessary matters while taking all for granted;and eventually when life came crashing in on them they wondered how come;and their amazement came as a result of their mental poverty that failed them;and when they were still on that transition towards a distressful ending they never needed anyone to advice and guide them;not at all;they were independent individuals who boasted about their material power and wealth and never foresaw themselves having lost that power in the future;their mental poverty had drugged them they could not listen to anyone;and when all was taken away by fate they then wondered how come.And as my guest of the day prepared to leave my place after tarrying there for some fewer minutes;we had already agreed on the importance of mental wealth than material power.
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