As we do get on with this life of challenges and temptations;and being confused about what should be done to avoid a particular unwelcome situation;being desperate for proper knowledge and understanding with which to attain our victory over such distressful and troublesome challenges;wondering who will come to our rescue and straightaway feed us with informational guidance with which to advance to a life of fulfillment and completeness;feeling consumed and worked out by the riveting realities of this life;yet we would find ourselves having eventually arrived at the final decision and straightaway fulfill the desires of our hearts and minds.
The final decisions we do always make and take will always be a reflection of our mental state and desires of our own hearts;and even though we might be tempted to try and disguise our real desires that will only be for a little while;now that our final conducts and habits alongside our commitments and deeds will always serve as sources of information about our true identity and missions;and the truth generated through our personal identity will always serve as a gateway towards our deserved benefits in this life;and even though it might seem as if that final day for us to get what we deserve wouldn't come it will only be a matter of time;now that in this life there is no any day that won't come to pass;and when it has come to pass great shall be the handing down of that final benefit;good or bad;embarrassing or exhilarating;sorrowful or celebratory.This is life;it has been given to us to live and cherish;but not without natural limits and restrictions.
It is within the powers of such natural limitations and restrictions where our destiny and fate as natural living organisms do lie;their effect has been incapacitated with the potential to give away what is necessary and destroy what is unnecessary;such is an effect with the capacity to remain secretive and almost nonexistent;and throughout the course of time and progression of life secretive progress would be advancing and flourishing;and when the unproven conclusions and inferences has finally been arrived at by the less secretive then everything shall be brought to the fore and the truth be observed;the less secretive shall then feel ashamed;lies shall be cast to one side and the truth be given an opportunity to stand erect over there as usual as it has always been;and a moment of celebration shall be in favor of the most secretive.This is life;it is very deep and highly complicated;no wonder then that knowledge and understanding is of paramount importance;and the most dangerous destruction lies within the desires of our hearts and contents of our minds.
Now;as the honest and living natural mortals existing under the compulsions of natural limitations and restrictions;let us take a look at what we have managed to do this far and never feel too ashamed to calculate our weaknesses and straightaway put a blaming finger right on top of our foreheads for all the mess that this life has been turned into of us through our commitments and deeds;let us not pretend there is nothing untoward committed of us to have ensured this kind of an ending;there is no any other available way that someone else who is unknown can be blamed for all the mess we as the weaker vessels beholden to the evil impulse of wickedness and excess have caused through our deeds and conducts;and therefore what we are getting is what we do deserve;much as it is that what we do deserve is what we have initially provoked through our commitments and deeds.This is life;it is very deep and highly complicated;no wonder then that knowledge and understanding is necessary.
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