Love is a natural drug whose effect can never be resisted nor ignored;its power stands predominant and intrusive;and when it aims itself on one the percentage of resistance on the main target remains at its lowest,thus torturing them;they would then be left with no peace of mind in them and then find themselves compelled to conform to the intrusive pressure emanating from the effect of that romantic power;and as their reluctance to comply keeps them in deterrence the spell of that romantic magic would see them through to a complying ending;that is love and we are weaker unto it. 

Hatred on the other hand is made up of similar  powers;but great lies in the fact that every time that spell of it tries to effect its influence the romantic spell would keep on battling it;and the resultant effect would then see the main target questioning themselves about the motive behind their hatred;and as the motive proves to be ridiculous to the protagonist then the romantic spell would find a gateway into the life of that former offender who had initially chosen to rebel against that romantic power.We are under the effect of a spell here;we just cannot escape it;man;we are consumed.

I remember a certain time in my life in which I used to tell myself that I won't bother myself having to try and fall in  love with someone else;I had finalized with the totality of my heart that whatever intimacy I will look for shall always be fraternal where this practice of having to tell someone how you miss them won't be a common feature;and where one won't find themselves having to buy this expensive present as a sign of romantic dedication to someone else;or even bother writing this long romantic message dedicated to someone they would not want to lose in their life as yet.Well;that was just a figment of my mind;I later found out through  the course of time;man;I had fooled myself and lied silently to the person in me.

And so;the problem eventually arrived in my life;I then realized I had to swallow my vanity and face reality;I had fooled myself;and as I was trying to conform the question I had to myself revolved around cohabitation and marriage.Well;I understood that since I had already been defeated by the ends of romance despite my initial denial I really had no choice but to decide;whether to get on with my love life just like that or bind myself with tougher bounds of marriage.It actually felt like a challenging reality to me;but still one reasonable and suitable choice had to be made.And so I told myself that cohabitation is not something too bad even though it might become bad  at times;whereas marriage is good but cannot be that good at times.I actually asked myself about the possible benefits and consequences of these two sides of love life;and then agreed with myself alone that what matters most is the level of true love that do make these two aspects of love life to be acceptable and mutual.

But;I also dreaded a certain rising situation wherein some negative forces and sudden invasion of bad impulses might find their way into that romantic establishment;and it was then that I started to understand the other important aspect of marriage and the deadly risks that do come with components of cohabitation.In fact;I agreed to myself that security matters most.Suppose there is this couple that had been staying happily together for years and being unmarried;and out of the blues negative forces start to effect a particular influence within that romantic establishment;and the resultant ending starts to see everyone in there becoming adverse towards each other;with good progress that had been made so far being compromised;property destroyed and children left out to suffer.And by the time I had finished talking silently to myself I also had started bemoaning the lack of true love among some us in our romantic settlements;this despite our initial agreements that we will always be there for one another.     



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