The natural responsibilities given to each and every living organism can never change from what they are supposed to be into something different, same applies to the purposefulness for which each and every creature has been created,now that there is no any living creature that is above the natural laws and regulations around which this same physical life do rotate.It can only take the most rebellious and stubborn to choose to stand against what has been naturally set up and confirmed,unless that wrongful deed is committed mistakenly, but it is a total impossibility for one mistake to be committed without any subsequent insight into the the future avoidance of similar problem,now that in this life to each and every problem there is a solution,much as it is that to every question there is an answer.
The knowledge about what is right and wrong will always be among us as the natural living creatures,though coming to us in different forms and methods given our different weaknesses as physical creatures beholden to the spell of troublesome impulse of evilness and negativity,but no matter what different forms and methods,the main mission of that secretive and silent knowledge will always find its way into our lives,and it will only depend how considerate are we of such an insight every time it is directed to us,and it will depend how prepared are we to heed the calling every time that knowledge do give us a nudge.
The distribution and dispensation of that knowledge into our lives will always bind us to compliance,and it can only take too much of our contempt and stubbornness to seek to oppose that given insight every time it pays a visit,much as it is that it can be a demonstration of obedience to heed that given knowledge every time it is with us.This is knowledge that would take its time to take us around our life in general alongside our surroundings at large;reminding us about who and what we are;recalling all about the things we have so far managed to commit ourselves into while reminding us about our weaknesses and strengths;our failures and successes;and our rights and wrongs.It won't mince its words when speaking with us;neither would it care about our admission of its spoken words;whether we do like it or not;and it won't do anyone any favor as it keeps on letting loose its truthful words of remembrance so as to keep reminding us about the state of our affairs as far as our physical life is concerned.
As it keeps communicating its words with us in that secretive but silent manner;we would find ourselves being deprived of that mental peace and personal confidence;and the more we do pay attention to its silently spoken words would be the more it keeps coming with more to say and speak;and as we do try to avoid it in any way we may find suitable to do so;it would give us that chance and space to do just like that;and when the duration of that chance has come and gone;it would then make a revisit into our lives;starting all over again.
The final expectation will always be compliance with the recommendations highlighted within such silent words;but that will not be done by force;no;not at all;rather on the basis of the knowledge and understanding that the right to make choices in life will always be there even though such binding bounds won't be rendered invalid and useless.But no matter what right to make choices that understanding will be there;that to each and every deed undertaken a final consequence and benefit will have to follow also;and therefore;it won't matter what kind of choice is made;whether be it that one in line with the main expectation or in resistance against that particular expectation.
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