In this life wherein we do find ourselves a lot of things do really happen;sometimes they can be pleasant and appeasing whereas in other times they might prove disappointing and unwelcome;it just depend actually from which side of this life do such realities reach us.It cannot be argued on one hand that despite such diverse realities that this life do tend to direct over unto us opportunities are also given;such are opportunities that would also reach us from different angles and in different forms;it still depend how aware are we the people of such given opportunities and how prepared are we to take advantage of them and straightaway utilize them.
However;it is just about everyone with that right to make choices in this life regarding what life they are obsessed with and what goals they are chasing after.I remember one day when I was just having my concentration fixed onto a particular usual task of mine;there came this long time friend of mine who had serious life matters that haunted them and then wondered how they can rise above such unwelcome challenges the right way.Well;it is natural for us the people to have ourselves involved in more than one friendship in our lifestyles no matter what our sexual orientation;whether it is a romantic friendship or just a neutral social lifestyle;it just depend surely.
Unlike me myself;my friend was not divorced this time around even though he used to tell me that he is having a child from the previous romantic affair.It is quite natural for friendly characters to share their memories and life experiences when sitting together down there while under the spell of that well-established friendship.As he narrated all to me;he used to be a man of substance for some time in his life;exchanged girls of all different types and skin color;and eventually ended up with the current lover with whom he had but one child,they loved and respected each other surely,I told myself after seeing how they treated each other every time I paid him a friendly visit.It is natural for one mutual friend to pay their party a warm visit when feeling bored or having something to gossip about or to deliver some good news to them,even to seek advice on one thing or another.
So,as he told me through the course of time,the problem he faced this time around was more of a financial nature, and sure to speak he was unemployed though hopeful he might bump on something one day in terms of employment.It is quite natural surely for close friends to share their deep secrets and express their life's concerns towards each other.He also bemoaned the fact that the house they were living in belonged to his wife's parents and didn't know what might become of him should it happen that he got kicked out;they were not really married;no; not all; rather just staying together like that.A tricky and stressful situation indeed,I thought to myself.
So;as I was sitting there one day thinking of my lifetime friend and the tricky situation he found himself in I started becoming aware of the fact that we as people do tend to forget ourselves when good times of life are still favoring us,we usually take some good moments in our life for granted and thus become complacent with what we are having without having to spread our mind into the future,and when the duration of the good opportunities that this generous life has initially gifted us with do come to an end we then wonder what wrong had we committed that this life do tend to be somehow cruel against us.I remember when me and my wife used to sit down together and make serious agreements about our love life in terms of the impossibility of our separation,that given love was taken for granted,we all overlooked the need for us all to stand loyal to our initial agreements,we rather believed that everything would just happen through unknown magic;we remained unfaithful towards each other,breached the terms of our initial agreements,betrayed each other, and finally that given love we used to take for granted was no more,we had squandered the generous opportunity given in the first place,and therefore we had ourselves to blame and no one else.
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