
Showing posts from January, 2022


BITTERNESS NEVER ENDING. When life decides to punish us. Day in and day out,we as natural living  creatures are all getting on with our lives which this life has found us worthy of.Ours is just to live it this life,now that since it has already been given to us it is therefore impossible for us to return it back to where it was before we were,instead,we are doomed to accept it as it is,live it and show our best in respecting what we have been found worthy of.And as we do get on with this same life it cannot be denied that we are all having our own dreams and wishes,it is just another part of this natural life that one,that every living organism should be given that right to dream and wish,much as it is that this life was not given to us in the absence of desires of our own hearts. Living and perhaps enjoying it we do,but it can still not be denied that no matter how we live it,the challenges to face now and then are with us,and beside that,we are having the desires of our own heart...


FORSAKEN CREATURES. When certain impulses lambastes servants. Power is power,same applies to weakness,and whosoever possesses either one of the two will find themselves doomed to accept their condition,and straightaway get on with their own lives while searching for that strength only if they are cursed with that weakness,or seek to wield their powers in any way possible against all their problems and troubles,should it only be found that that natural power has really been gifted to them by this life.Classification of things is what this life is based upon,at least on the side of power,but as for the right to work for that power and then be given it as a trophy of triumph and victory,is just a privilege of anyone and anything,it just take that deep courage and devotion to access the benefits of that right. This is power that is also divided naturally into its own classes,and it still depend which side of power one available organism has chosen to fall into,now that as a result of that ...


IMPOSSIBLE ONENESS. When our mental contents hamper our oneness. I t is an obvious reality that in this life we are all living together in one place no matter how different or distant we might be from one another,it is just how and what this life ended up becoming following certain circumstances that channeled it this same direction,and maybe had it not been for all those things that preceded this same direction of the physical universe,we the physical creatures and the universe at large would not be experiencing such things similar to these ones we are exposed to by now,maybe the physical universe itself would have been a far more better place than it is currently,and maybe we the physical creatures would have become better living species with much more disciplined manners than we do have right now,manners demonstrative of our courage and determination to be respectful of this same life,manners demonstrative of our courage to be sympathetic towards each other,and manners demonstrative...


PLAYED WITH TIME. The time wasted can't be returned.  There is an ongoing saying insisting that the time wasted will never be regained,another one maintains that the time does not wait for anyone,well,from my own perspective all these sayings are justifiable and truthful,for in this life anything that has passed away can never be returned in its own true form,it can either be faked,memorized,commemorated or be left out like that.But again,the possibility of having to be given that second chance and second time in this life should never be overlooked nor overruled because it is realistic and therefore can just happen at any given time.It is just a matter of how far one do get favored by this life on the other hand,that will determine the worthiness of one to receive that second chance,for unless this life on its own decides one deserves something,nothing of that sort can be given to that particular person,much as it is that nothing of that nature can be possessed of them,let alone d...


AVOIDING EXTERNAL INFLUENCE. When certain impulses avoid strange influences. The impulses that do hover the entirety of the atmospheres of the physical universe do have their own ways of operations,they are different,secretive and silent,yet the powers that they do generate and wield are so deadly,dangerous and sometimes destructive.They can make their target to see the invisible,hear the less audible and feel the most strange.They don't rest nor relax,be it day or night,neither do they cease from waging their forces of war against their opponents.They neither despair nor give up their own battle against each other,they are determined,serious and mean their missions. The main target here is the physical universe itself and everything in it,now that since its formation this same physical universe has proven to be the ultimate source of attraction for many and different impulses,for even some of such impulses that had always been in opposition against the formation of the very same p...


MERCY OF LIFE. When life decides to bring down triumph. The mercy of life itself is very broad,endless and far reaching.It is timeless,uncontrollable and indiscriminate.It is secretive,careful and unpredictable,and it is having its own way of operating.It does not pronounce or proclaim its coming,and when the whole physical universe is having its mind fast asleep and less expecting something of that form,then that mercy would rise up and expose itself,much to the amazement of the physical creatures,only when what has never been seen before come to materialize in a certain manner of unexpected proportions,and only when what has been wished to tarry for an extended time in life do get washed away by the powers of that same mercy when unleashed by the powers of life itself. Life itself is an amazing phenomenon,meaning things that do come with it are somewhat tricky and somewhat challenging,never simple at all,same applies to the very same physical creatures given that natural life to live...


MOVEMENT OF LIFE. When life decides to swing us around it. We are having no freedom about ourselves we the creatures of the physical universe,we have been enslaved,captured and put under control.We have been bound with tight and unbreakable bounds,and no matter how hard we may be trying in breaking them down,still it seems as if we won't be any successful at all,in fact,we will never be,neither did they that tried that before us succeeded in attaining that true emancipation from the grip of such heavy and tight bounds,no matter how hard they forced and tried to make things appear as if to them such heavy bounds are not binding at all,theirs was just a life of deception and pretense,life of day dreaming and vanity,for even though they lived their life of swollen words and camouflaged identities,the truth remained to life itself about them that what they had been created for is what they must fulfill,that the bounds that are binding everything and everyone are also calling them for s...


MERCY OF LIFE. When life decides to give and take. There is no any existing life in this life where anything of any kind whatsoever can just be committed and undertaken like that without any moment of getting what is deserved,neither is there any life of any kind in this life that can just be lived like that without limits and restrictions,where anything of any kind whatsoever can just be done without any caution or a moment of warning signs,and therefore,it is clear that to any kind of any life that may be lived or followed a final moment for everything to be fulfilled and come to an end is there,no matter after how long.Even though that particular character may enjoy that moment when all seem to be promising for constant steadiness,as if there cannot be a moment of change and new dimensions in their lives,that will only be so as a result of the opportunity still given by life itself for things to remain that way,but when the time had eventually come for that change and new dimensions...


CONSEQUENCES OF OUR ACTIONS. The things that might be behind our ending  The fact that the life we are currently living is a legacy inherited from those before us cannot be denied,it is a real thing honestly speaking,difficult to erase and ignore,it has taken place and we are what we are now because of that fact,we just can't avoid nor refuse it no matter how hard we may try.Successful in ignoring and refusing that fact we might seem to be,at least from the verbal side of things,now that no matter how hard we may verbally deny everything about this same reality,the fact about it will remain that where the modern world is today is a result of the legacy inherited from those who had been there in the past,liking it or not. But,what if such a legacy which they had been busy building was to ensure the future generation a disastrous ending,even if the elders themselves might have not known anything about the danger that they themselves were busy building and carving,rather just see it a...


POWERS OF OUR DEEDS. When what we want is what we get. The physical universe itself is a place that is teeming up with a lot of activities,that comes across as a result of the physical creatures that has since been given that opportunity to have a taste of how it feels like having to be alive.Such are activities meant to prove,in a natural manner,the realness that comes with the physical life itself,now that it is true that for something to be proven realistic and e xistent that thing will firstly have to be visible,tangible and then operationally active.This is activeness that would then prove the existence of life in that operational character no matter what nature thereof,and no matter what size of that particular operational character,as long as it is active and able to perform,tangible and visible,then that sense of realness will naturally be existent in that particular character's existence,and for that matter it shall then be declared alive and physical. This is the form and...


LIVING GOOD. When knowledge do guide its servants. T here is a certain moment in life where one might find themselves not understanding what is taking place in their lives,nor find the right people who might help providing that informative advice concerning what might possibly be the cause of their own woes in their lives,and what might possibly be done so as to try and battle them out.Such friendly people who are being open to others are a rare commodity in this life so to speak.Or how can't they be so scarce in the face of these modern times where adversity has come to characterize the nature of popular lifestyles aspired by most of us the physical creatures? There is also a certain moment in this life wherein one might find themselves searching for that understanding about who and what they are,or what the rightful purpose and role to be played by them in this life is,or searching for that life of their own desire and wondering how to attain it or if ever will it be possible for...


POWERS OF LIFE.  When life decides to empower its servants.  It is an open secret that this life is full of endless challenges and troubles,and in the face of all such stubborn challenges and hard-hitting troubles is the possibility of mounting distress and sheer dissatisfaction, deriving from our part as the living species that has since been given that chance by life itself to have a taste of how does it feels like having to be alive.However,despite the existence of all such natural realities we do have our own natural responsibilities to fulfill and live up to,we will still be expected,of this same life on it's own,to live up to all such purposes for which we were created in the first place,without even having to try and avoid or undermine them,just being so loyal and truthful so to speak. These are challenges and troubles to have us tried and worked out,to have us feeling wretched and hopeless at times,just wondering how and when will be free from those things of toughness...


SEPARATION. The pain of the end. Life never brought one person into existence,it rather brought two of those,and in this case there is none other than the man and the woman themselves,life decided they should all be given that chance to be alive,so that out of their existence the amazing works of life itself can come and be observed and then proven.None of them was formed or created to be a superior above another,now that the life that is in them all is just one and the same and beside it there is no any other.But it cannot be denied on the other hand that despite the singularity of life that is in them all,the roles to be played by each of them had to be somewhat different from each other's,even though the fulfillment of each role and responsibility is not allowed to be beyond the natural limits of physical performance,rather always be in line with the requirements of such natural limits,and for that matter of distinctive roles different physical structures were given to each of t...


LIVING AND SEARCHING. The two inseparable companions. The things to be known by the living creatures in life are much more than their  capacity to be patient,much as it is that the things to be searched for and explored are much more multiple than the tolerance of the very same living creatures of the physical universe.All these has always been the characteristics of knowledge and understanding that is the best companion of life itself,for for them to be discovered and found too much of an effort will have to be exerted and spend,it don't come around with simplicity and without too much of an effort and patience that knowledge and understanding,rather a lot more of that. This same knowledge and understanding has always been the permanent partners of life itself,and upon them the foundations of life itself has always been established,and without them life itself is void of any substance and is therefore rendered meaningless and useless.It cannot be with any element of realness in it...


THE WORKS OF LIFE. When life decides to take us into its depths. There is a saying going on that life is like a merry-go-round,some do go as far as asserting that this same life itself is like a roller-coaster, while some are contending that it is more like a spinning wheel where today somebody would be positioned somewhere up there and then tomorrow be thrust somewhere down below everybody else,it is life and it is having its own way of making things happen,and what can we do as natural beasts with no powers to tell this life what it must preserve for us? Of the powers to make choices regarding which lifestyle and traditional culture to adopt and follow we have been given,much as it is that of the feat to get what we deserve based on our activities we will never ever be free from in anyway whatsoever,we are bound thereby rather,and of that same fate we will have to suffer from.The secrets of life itself are known only to it alone,and therefore,what will become of us tomorrow is what w...


PUSHED ASIDE. The rejection of negative impulses. The physical world wherein we are living is a haven of a variety of impulses,these are the impulses that has naturally been given that power to rule over us as the natural physical creatures,and as they do wield their naturally given powers over us,they would then swing us from one life direction to another irrespective of who and what we are,and despite our racial or tribal orientation or any sexual identity,they are so powerful so much so that we cannot successfully resist them,unless we do seek assistance from one particular impulse to outdo the other.These are the impulses with the power to determine the direction of our lives and shape our future in one way or the other,we have been naturally created to be lower than them as far as the life of power and weakness is concerned,and therefore,there is nothing in life that we do that can never be under the influence of one particular impulse or the other.But despite the similar form in ...


SHARED RESPONSIBILITIES. Certain things in life are a total impossibility. Life was created for all of us to live and celebrate,and therefore,we as the people of the universe are in this manner bound to live in peace and harmony with each and every one no matter who or what one is.It is just a life wherein we do share similar responsibilities,have similar dreams and wishes,and even similar goals and life expectations.Life where we do almost all have similar problems and challenges to face and deal with.It is a life where it is almost impossible for one to live without the need of another, life wherein problems will always compel us to be unified and be cooperative only so as to attain that possibility to rise above them,unless when determined to succumb to them,and only by then can our divisions lead us to the very center and extremes of such problems. It is the life where it is impossible to acquire that knowledge and understanding without having to be reliant upon one another,life wh...