When life decides to empower its servants.
It is an open secret that this life is full of endless challenges and troubles,and in the face of all such stubborn challenges and hard-hitting troubles is the possibility of mounting distress and sheer dissatisfaction, deriving from our part as the living species that has since been given that chance by life itself to have a taste of how does it feels like having to be alive.However,despite the existence of all such natural realities we do have our own natural responsibilities to fulfill and live up to,we will still be expected,of this same life on it's own,to live up to all such purposes for which we were created in the first place,without even having to try and avoid or undermine them,just being so loyal and truthful so to speak.
These are challenges and troubles to have us tried and worked out,to have us feeling wretched and hopeless at times,just wondering how and when will be free from those things of toughness,things of the deep,and things of the extremes.As we do keep on feeling somehow desperate and somewhat hopeless,such challenges and troubles would then find a perfect opportunity and time to leverage their missions upon our lives,missions of effecting hopelessness and misunderstanding in us,now that their weakness and conquest lies in our capacity to live good and do what is right,without even having to succumb to the temptation of having to try and avoid what we are naturally supposed to do and live up to,now that therein lies our strength and powers of survival.
However,despite our weakness of feeling like succumbing to such ravaging challenges and intensive troubles,and the courage to become desperate and obedient to the impact and effect thereof,feeling somehow worked out and wishing for the end of our lives to come as soon as possible,then the mercy of life itself would be awaiting us to heed its call,crossover and straightaway follow what is necessary,only if we are truly in pursuit of our emancipation from such great and torturous challenges troubling our lives,and only by then can we come and jump high as we do proclaim our own triumph and victory over all such temptations.We would have needed the call,the reason why this life would have found us worthy of that triumph and victory against all such stubborn troubles.
This is mercy that would spend its time hovering the atmospheres of the physical universe in its entirety,operating from the deep of things,searching for those who had been unjustifiably cast into the extremes of such depths by the agents of the impulse of the evil,so that after their discovery thereby they can then come to be lifted out of such depths and straight into the life of normalcy,where they can become who and what they are supposed to be and straightaway live up to the purposes for which they were given life in the first place.And all these things of mercy would so be conducted by such merciful powers in the face of the impulse if the evil hovering the atmospheres of the physical universe alongside such a opposing mercy,and they would be doing so such impulses as an attempt to make life on the physical universe a serious nightmare for those who had been given that life to live,the reason that merciful power would then understand that it would have been better for it to take a stand,make its presence felt,and straightaway search for prospective servants to capture,save,and then lead them into a life of triumph and victory against such troublesome temptations hovering the atmospheres of the physical universe in its entirety.It is life, and it is having its own way of doing things.
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