The time wasted can't be returned.
There is an ongoing saying insisting that the time wasted will never be regained,another one maintains that the time does not wait for anyone,well,from my own perspective all these sayings are justifiable and truthful,for in this life anything that has passed away can never be returned in its own true form,it can either be faked,memorized,commemorated or be left out like that.But again,the possibility of having to be given that second chance and second time in this life should never be overlooked nor overruled because it is realistic and therefore can just happen at any given time.It is just a matter of how far one do get favored by this life on the other hand,that will determine the worthiness of one to receive that second chance,for unless this life on its own decides one deserves something,nothing of that sort can be given to that particular person,much as it is that nothing of that nature can be possessed of them,let alone dream and wish big about that particular gift and blessing.Life and time would have taken their own decision.
Now,the problem with most of us the people lies in the fact that we do tend to take things for granted,so much so that when time and life has given us that opportunity to achieve this or that we would then just relax ourselves,not taking advantage of that given opportunity,rather taking all that momentary goodness surrounding us for granted,not taking into mind that time and life won't just remain in one place awaiting our turn to do what is right,rather move on and fulfill their natural duties and tasks,and by the time all things starts to get crushed down and come crashing in on us and collapse,is by the time we would then start opening our eyes to search for any available opportunity and mean of survival,and by then,they would have long gone with the course of time and life,having shifted somewhere else and not on our side any more.It is life,it does not care about anyone when conducting its duties and tasks,much as it is that the time won't be waiting for anyone else when it is moving ahead with its tasks.But the good thing about life itself is that,it would tend to give everyone that second chance in their lives,so that through that same given second chance that particular person can seek to rectify all the wrongs they had conducted against this same life in the first place,and it still cannot be denied on the other hand that in this very same life there are some certain things that can never be rectified when done already even though the culprit themselves might wish to rectify them,so much so that once they had been executed that would be the final moment of everything,whereas others can be done and then following certain benefits and consequences,that realization come to materialize that what had been done in the first place was wrong though already done,and then a certain mean of remorse and repentance be adopted and straightaway be implemented.
But it will depend how does one take that given second chance to heart,whether that particular person do see it as a merciful alternative preserved for them by life on its own and straightaway utilize it,or they do take it as just another time given by life to them to become worse than they had been in the beginning and straightaway start squandering everything.It will just depend there surely,now that this life does not refuse anyone with any choice to become and do what they do find good for themselves at any given time and at any given place,that has always been the generous part of this life surely.
But despite that generosity thereof,the reality of having to offer everyone what they do deserve based on their initial choices is something about which this same life does not make any mistake of overlooking or overruling,for it would give anyone that right to be who and what they want to be,and then make sure that it do monitor their choices accordingly,and after the execution of that final supervision it would then hand down to each and everyone what they do deserve,and everything thing there will be done based on each individual character's preferred choice, only so as to avoid discrimination and inequality among the creatures of the physical universe.
And then that would have been the final moment of everything irrespective of who do get crossed or appeased,now that this life does not dare caring about who is who when finalizing its tasks and duties,rather conclude them in a manner that is rich in deeper reason,and the strength and nature of that reason upon which everything would be based won't become shaky nor slacking,just powerful,immovable and impartial,and as usual as it has always been,there the complainants will always be there,and usually these are the people who had always been taking things for granted while forgetting all about the movement of both time and life, and when new times come around they would then start to complain.Same applies to those who are being tolerant and enduring,for when such different times in life had eventually arrived they would rather see it as a moment of adaptation and adjustment and straightaway accept it as it is,swallowing their complaints and suppressing their quarrels every time the impulse of negative influence tries to overpower them,now that understanding would have long been given to them that time and life are always moving without any fear of anything.
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