When life decides to take us into its depths.

There is a saying going on that life is like a merry-go-round,some do go as far as asserting that this same life itself is like a roller-coaster, while some are contending that it is more like a spinning wheel where today somebody would be positioned somewhere up there and then tomorrow be thrust somewhere down below everybody else,it is life and it is having its own way of making things happen,and what can we do as natural beasts with no powers to tell this life what it must preserve for us?

Of the powers to make choices regarding which lifestyle and traditional culture to adopt and follow we have been given,much as it is that of the feat to get what we deserve based on our activities we will never ever be free from in anyway whatsoever,we are bound thereby rather,and of that same fate we will have to suffer from.The secrets of life itself are known only to it alone,and therefore,what will become of us tomorrow is what we don't know today,rather life itself, and anything it can find us worthy of it can just let loose at any given time no matter who say what or not,and no matter who may appreciate that or not.
When the day and time for us to be given what we do deserve has eventually been decided by life on its own and then directed to us,we won't find any mean of escaping or avoiding it,up until the set-up timeline and time frame has been completed and fulfilled,and only by then can our emancipation from such consequences we would have been exposed to through the willpower of life itself come into our lives,but not without the prevailing effect and impact that would have long been imposed by life on its own upon our mere physical frames hungry for simplicity and glorious happiness.
The duration of the planned realities to be fulfilled will never come to pass until all is done and updated,even though we might feel somehow impatient and overworked within ourselves,now that this life is having its own way of processing its own things,and no matter how tolerable or not such realities might be,still we will have to wait,observe and sustain until everything is fulfilled,and only by then can our time to taste freedom from such harrowing experiences come to materialize,and until then our worries and troubles will have a full grip on us,only when this same life has decided we should be cast into such depths.
Our rotten and swollen words of our own mouths and lies of our own lips can never deter this life from handing down what we do deserve and would have long provoked through the activities of our own deeds,rather help make it decide which level of its own depths to cast and send us as part of its own mission to hand down a historical lesson into our own lives,for the more we do choose to stand in rebellion against this same life will be the more it do also choose to be in rebellion against us,and when it had decided to be angry and rude with us it will then lambaste us by sending us to the extremes of its own depths,and when we are in the deep of things we would then start wailing and feeling wretched and forsaken,wondering what wrong had we done in life that would have guaranteed us such  harrowing consequences,and as we do keep wondering in us life itself would be forging ahead with its own natural processes irrespective of who is who and who is not who.
Our actions will always be a dangerous trap drawing us to the extremes of life itself,and as we do keep on committing ourselves into this one particular activity without making an informative assessment of where that particular activity might be leading us to and is capable of what an effect,life itself would be silently and secretively finalizing and updating everything,and then before we know it what we wouldn't have expected would then be let loose into our lives,and a historical moment be put into eruption,and confusion alongside frustration be part of our lives,we would have long been cast into the extremes and deeper depths of life itself,we would have provoked all such things through our rotten and swollen words of our own mouths and activities of our own deeds,life itself would have long found us worthy of that experience,the reason why it would have chosen to take us right there no matter what,it is having its own ways of working and sorting things out this life,very amazing indeed.


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