The two inseparable companions.
The things to be known by the living creatures in life are much more than their capacity to be patient,much as it is that the things to be searched for and explored are much more multiple than the tolerance of the very same living creatures of the physical universe.All these has always been the characteristics of knowledge and understanding that is the best companion of life itself,for for them to be discovered and found too much of an effort will have to be exerted and spend,it don't come around with simplicity and without too much of an effort and patience that knowledge and understanding,rather a lot more of that.This same knowledge and understanding has always been the permanent partners of life itself,and upon them the foundations of life itself has always been established,and without them life itself is void of any substance and is therefore rendered meaningless and useless.It cannot be with any element of realness in it this life in the absence of these two main cornerstones thereof.This is knowledge and understanding through which the things of the deep can be reached and understood,knowledge through which the true meaning of life itself can be discovered and understood,much alike as the understanding about what one's responsibilities and purposeful duties are in this same life can be attained through the standing powers of the very same knowledge.Without it we are doomed and useless,and our life is without meaning and proper direction,and in its absence we will roam the physical universe not knowing who and what we are nor what is the use of us having to be alive.
We were created to be in pursuit of this same natural knowledge,align our minds with the operations thereof,so that we can come to know and understand what our purpose for having to be alive is,without even having to err and stumble along the way as we do get on with our own lives,now that all the necessary knowledge and understanding would have long become the part and parcel of our own lives,the reason why digression would have then been trampled under our feet and perfection upheld within our own hands.
It is therefore a total impossibility that life and knowledge can be separated,for where life is existent knowledge about how to get on with that life and properly deal with matters at hand will have to be necessary,now that where knowledge is existent good living will always prevail.It is clear therefore that to successfully deal with troubles haunting us in our lives,and clear away the blunders that are serving as terrible stumbling blocks in our lives,while attaining freedom from wrongful hallucinations troubling our minds consistently,knowledge about how to get there will then have to be acquired of us in our lives.But then,the great challenge we are facing as natural physical creatures is how do get in touch with the powers of that neccessary knowledge and understanding,or which source of that knowledge is perfect and most informative and generous above others,the truthful source with no elements of deception and misinformation in it,the source with that burning desire to hand down that knowledge and understanding to the needy and make them have a taste of it,without even having to be so cruel nor impatient with them,rather just giving them that enough quality time to explore with the facts and familiarize themselves with them.Just a humble and determined source so to speak.
But the good thing about life itself lies in the fact that its generosity is beyond the control of any living creature,so much so that when the time for one thing to be fulfilled has eventually come nothing can stand on its way,no matter how hard that thing may try stopping that particular time from fulfillment,it would just happen according to the plans of life itself rather.Same thing applies to knowledge and understanding,for since they are the inseparable companions with life itself,they would be standing by from time to time awaiting the right moment to come for them to take up a stand and make their impact and presence felt,no matter who or what might get infuriated or feel lambasted by that moment wherein knowledge and understanding decides to proclaim themselves among characters that had from time to time been dry and thirsty for the arrival of those things in their lives,and when it had decided to bring them around this life it would just do so irrespective of anything else.It is life,and it is having it's own powers to hand realities.
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