When our mental contents hamper our oneness.

It is an obvious reality that in this life we are all living together in one place no matter how different or distant we might be from one another,it is just how and what this life ended up becoming following certain circumstances that channeled it this same direction,and maybe had it not been for all those things that preceded this same direction of the physical universe,we the physical creatures and the universe at large would not be experiencing such things similar to these ones we are exposed to by now,maybe the physical universe itself would have been a far more better place than it is currently,and maybe we the physical creatures would have become better living species with much more disciplined manners than we do have right now,manners demonstrative of our courage and determination to be respectful of this same life,manners demonstrative of our courage to be sympathetic towards each other,and manners demonstrative of our courage to be honest,patient and tolerant,but now here we are today,and here is to the physical universe by now.
This is the physical universe that has now come to be characterized by a lot of different activities taking place in it,maybe it has now become something much more strange than what it is naturally supposed to be,maybe it has become a place of more troubles and difficulties than it is naturally supposed to be,where hatred,jealousy and killing has come to characterize our every lifestyle that we do adopt,and where evilness has become a sign of modern wisdom while goodness a sign of ultimate folly and stupidity,and it is through the very same evilness of ours that most things are being achieved,and still it is through it that most of good things do get lost,much as it is that by goodness certain things are possible whereas others are impossible.
It is us the creatures of the physical universe that do put all such things into action,for had it not been for our capacity to conduct ourselves in one way or the other,then all such things as to which have already been done could have never been a success at all.This is not something worthy of any surprise at all,now that the capacity to take one action or the other had always been a natural endowment,and therefore,this same life found us worthy of that gift of life,and here we are now taking advantage of it in different ways that are in line with our distinctive desires of our own hearts,now that such hearts of ours as the physical creatures were found,by the pervasive impulses of this same life,to be a perfect tool through which to control the nature of our physical performance and a perfect platform through which to land in our physical structures and straightaway influence them in one way or the other,no wonder then that they decided to take advantage of this shining opportunity,and of our hearts they penetrated and the direction of our lives they influenced,and here we are today,and here is to the physical universe by now.

Killing one another,stealing from one another,being hateful towards each other with jealousy tending to characterize our everyday lifestyles.Some of us would not even work hard so as an attempt to realize our own dreams,rather idle on in our lives while expecting all to be fine with us in terms of a progressive life,only to come and wish all the bad to befall those who had been depriving themselves of personal rest,only when determined to reach for their goals and realize their own dreams.The impulse of negative living has really found a perfect and fertile ground in us where to prosper and flourish,and for that matter,it is difficult for us to shake off all the negativity from our defiled hearts and minds,to us these are the proper characters and manners that are really essential in our lives,we just could not see ourselves having chosen to live another different life beside this same one characterized by all such things of cruelty and excess,it is a way of life to us,and for that matter,we are really determined to live it up and satisfy our negative desires no matter what,and if in this life there is a perfect recipe for failed unity and oneness,this could be the one surely.


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