Certain things in life are a total impossibility.
Life was created for all of us to live and celebrate,and therefore,we as the people of the universe are in this manner bound to live in peace and harmony with each and every one no matter who or what one is.It is just a life wherein we do share similar responsibilities,have similar dreams and wishes,and even similar goals and life expectations.Life where we do almost all have similar problems and challenges to face and deal with.It is a life where it is almost impossible for one to live without the need of another, life wherein problems will always compel us to be unified and be cooperative only so as to attain that possibility to rise above them,unless when determined to succumb to them,and only by then can our divisions lead us to the very center and extremes of such problems.
It is the life where it is impossible to acquire that knowledge and understanding without having to be reliant upon one another,life wherein for one to attain that experience one will then have to have the reliable source of that experience by them,unless when one is determined to lead a life that is without direction and responsible meaning,then they can just get on with their own life like that in the absence of a truthful source of knowledge and understanding.It is the life where we are bound to help each other no matter who or what one is,unless when we are determined to live in adversity and animosity,then ahead with our commitments of hatred and prejudice we can go,but not with our failure to remember that to everything committed in this life an eventual consequence will always follow,and it does not matter what the nature of that particular consequence,now that what matters most will always be how that particular consequence was initially provoked.
It is the life wherein we must feel free to seek and search for what we might be curious about,without even having to feel ashamed having to declare our misunderstanding and lack of knowledge about one thing or another in this life,now that in this life there is no human being that was born with everything about them,rather born naked,foolish and bound to start this life from scratch and move ahead,and had it not been for those who had been there before that particular individual,no provision of life experience could have been possible for them,rather an empty life void of knowledge and understanding.
It is the life this one wherein we don't have to feel ashamed to accept and acknowledge our wrongs and mistakes committed,and straightaway seek to search for proper means through which to correct and rectify such wrongs and mistakes of ours,without even having to succumb to the temptation tempting us to hold tight onto our wrongs and mistakes while being reluctant to accept and acknowledge them.This is life that is based on truth,and therefore,truth is what we should always be in pursuit of no matter what existing forces determined to put what is wrong before the eyes of everyone while suppressing what is truthful so that it can never be discovered.This is life that is existing side by side with challenges never ending,difficulties effective of desperation and confusion,temptations dazzling to constructive mental capacity and seductive luxuries effective of envy and jealousy alongside hatred and destruction,but still we are bound to claim our true self and straightaway rise above such relentless challenges every time they do try bringing us into submission.We are bound to be ourselves,responsible and live good,only if we are determined to claim our natural status of perfection and justice.This is life and we ought to live it.
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