The things that might be behind our ending
Our past is for real,we cannot remove it from existence,historically or otherwise,it will always be with us,reminding us about how far we have come to become who we are today,challenging us to look deep into our lives so as to try and find out whether are we satisfied with the things that had been taught to us from time to time by those who had declared themselves the guardians of the traditional heritage and legacy,it will always challenge us to search for means through which to find a relief from issues ensuring us troubled minds,all these after having realized how wrongful our elders and ancestors were in leading us to a destructive and totally inhumane way of life characterized by aspects of hatred,desire to harm and kill and cause divisions among existing components of humanity.
But,what if this life has so far tried and tested us,measured and weighed our actions and then found us to be lacking and falling behind and then decided to correct and reprove us in any way possible?What when we had tasted so much of pleasure to satisfy the needs of our desires in such wrongful ways of life established by such wrongful elders and ancestors of ours,and then decided we wouldn't be looking for any way of life beside the one that had since been left for us as a legacy by those before us?What when we have decided we shall not be moved by anything in life from such inherited ways of life come what may, and what if such stubbornness of ours in such erroneous legacy is provoking this life to decide sending us to certain standards of living never seen before?What when we are seeing our wrongful attitudes and behaviors and then are becoming so remorseful,so much so that we do decide to give up everything in terms of the wrongful legacy inherited from those before us,and then decides to search for other means through which to attain that emancipation from such wrongful ideologies and philosophies,instilled in our hearts and minds by those who had been doing so only when captured by the spell of the impulse of the evil and negativity?Would then this life decide in another different way about us,and straightaway lift the things it had initially planned against us when we were still adamant we would not give up all such erroneous ideologies and philosophies of ours come what may?
What when we are being wrongful in our lives and are thinking we are right,so much so that we would not accept any action of reprove coming from reliable sources existing among us,rather keep on proliferating our wrongful condition through our stubbornness and our being denial?Would then this life be so soft with us and treat us in a certain manner as if we were a fragile commodity deserving that first hand preference and special treatment?And what about when this life then do tend to be so rough with us as a result of those denial attitudes of ours,and because of those contemptuous habits of ours towards those reliable sources of knowledge and understanding about what is right and wrong in this life?Would we then seek to search for some other new ways of life that might help getting the deteriorating situation of ours mitigated,or seek to rather swear that we will never ever change from what we are into something else come what may?
What when this life tend to be so gentle with us following our courage and determination to be remorseful of all the wrongs that we may have done and straightaway turned our ways for the better?Would we then be thankful for the mercy that has since been preserved for us as a result of our gotten courage and determination to be remorseful,or will we just get on with our lives speaking boastful and swollen words about ourselves being so dangerous so much so that we can make anything happen on our own?
But whichever way that we do choose in this life based on our desires and the extent of our courage to be good or otherwise,this life will always be watching our every move and activity,so that out of the findings that are in line with that particular activity and move;a final decision can then be attained and reached in terms of what we as the physical creatures do deserve for all the things that we might have done unto this life itself.
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