When certain impulses avoid strange influences.

The impulses that do hover the entirety of the atmospheres of the physical universe do have their own ways of operations,they are different,secretive and silent,yet the powers that they do generate and wield are so deadly,dangerous and sometimes destructive.They can make their target to see the invisible,hear the less audible and feel the most strange.They don't rest nor relax,be it day or night,neither do they cease from waging their forces of war against their opponents.They neither despair nor give up their own battle against each other,they are determined,serious and mean their missions.
The main target here is the physical universe itself and everything in it,now that since its formation this same physical universe has proven to be the ultimate source of attraction for many and different impulses,for even some of such impulses that had always been in opposition against the formation of the very same physical universe,long before it could be formed even though it was probable that things were going to end up that way,were subsequently appeased and attracted by the manner in which this same physical  universe was formed,and for that matter,they then settled out to wage war against the original facilitators of this same project of the formation thereof,and by the time they sought to conquer such original facilitators it was already late,now that that plan of that very same formation was based on a conscious draft where the possibility of such an incident in the future was not overlooked,rather taken serious so much so that every possible measure of resistance against the very same possibility was then implemented thereby,unsurprisingly though,now that the comfort and safety of the very same physical universe,that was still on the drafted agenda,had to be taken into account.
And after the complete formulation thereof every impulse then wanted to be part of that mission,much as it is that everyone of them wanted to consolidate its powers to have an influence over the physical universe and everything in it,and even those that had been active and operational in the beginning against such a formulation and formation thereof never felt ashamed having to fight for that right to influence and dominate,they had already seen the constructive capacities of their rival impulses,and therefore,they settled out to conquer them,seize what is originally theirs from their possession,subjugate them and straightaway impose another new era on the physical universe and its inhabitants,they surely had been amazed by the glorious works of their main rivals,and therefore,they had to do all that they can to overthrow them.
The original protective and safety measures drafted and eventually adopted in the beginning,measures of resistance against the destructive impulses,prove to be highly effective and convenient for those impulses of the good,the facilitators of such protective measures had thought properly,everything they had not sought to overlook in the first place was now coming to pass,and therefore,those which had been trying hard to overthrow every good thing in a successful manner got dismayed and frustrated while wondering how possible could it be that they just fail easily in that manner,and for that matter they swore to turn the physical universe into a scene of pain,sorrow and bitterness as part of their mission to overthrow the facilitators of those protective measures of resistance against the evil,so that after having overthrown them then the physical universe,the product of those master facilitators,can become their own property where they can operate anything as freely as they can without any threat of resistance.
The inhabitants of the physical universe were all there,they observed everything as it unfolded,even though they didn't know what is it that they were seeing,nor knew how come that something of that sight and action might be possible or effected,or who and what was behind the eruption of that reality.It was a surprise unto them,a really amazing reality,man,it was a terrible and amazing miracle.And as such realities unfolded,only as a result of such impulses that had been operational in an opposing manner,such inhabitants also got influenced in one way or another,and for that matter of different influence,ultimate divisions then started to materialize among such inhabitants,and then life never seemed to be the way it used to be,rather strange,bitter and sour. 
And as such divisions multiplied among the inhabitants of the physical universe,some of them were eventually captured and enslaved by the impulses of the evil,whereas some were captured by that of the good,and as such slaves of the evil impulse sought to overthrow the servants of the impulse of the good,only as a result of the influence of their operational master impulse,the servants of the impulse of the good stood steadfast in what they believed in,only as result of the influence of their operational master impulse that had long taken security measures of resistance against such possible incidents into account,and for that matter of opposition and divisions the physical universe itself was turned into a scene of an ultimate warfare,the opposing impulses influenced every action in this same battle.It is tough man,really,really hard.


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