When certain impulses lambastes servants.
Power is power,same applies to weakness,and whosoever possesses either one of the two will find themselves doomed to accept their condition,and straightaway get on with their own lives while searching for that strength only if they are cursed with that weakness,or seek to wield their powers in any way possible against all their problems and troubles,should it only be found that that natural power has really been gifted to them by this life.Classification of things is what this life is based upon,at least on the side of power,but as for the right to work for that power and then be given it as a trophy of triumph and victory,is just a privilege of anyone and anything,it just take that deep courage and devotion to access the benefits of that right.
This is power that is also divided naturally into its own classes,and it still depend which side of power one available organism has chosen to fall into,now that as a result of that natural privilege it is not a wrongful thing for one existing organism to pursue goals and achievements based on the nature of their internal desires and wishes,for in natural life it is just about every action and deed done voluntarily that is based upon a particular desire,unless when one is forced by someone else to do what is against their consent and desires of their own heart,then that privilege could be broken and rendered useless.
But,even though that right is existent in this life,it is a total impossibility for us the living creatures of the universe to choose what consequence should be directed onto our lives,now that that power is exclusive only to life itself,and therefore,it is clear that no matter what the nature of choice made the final result will always be in line with that particular choice,whether one might appreciate it or not.
The impulses that have surrounded our physical lives and are with us wherever we go,since they have naturally been given such powers to roam the entire physical universe,are behind such choices which we do make every time we are of a certain desire,and it would depend what nature of an impulse do wield too much of power in our lives every time we do make that particular choice,now that that power to rule and dominate has not been made a luxury of one impulse naturally while others has been deprived of that luxury,the reason why the ongoing warfare would not seem to be getting alleviated,rather intensifying with the rise and fall of every day of our lives,now that each of them is eyeing that moment of dominance over the inhabitants of the physical universe.Leading their prospective servant to a particular commitment they would do while trying by all means to close all the existing opportunities against their rivals,so that the main targeted servant might see no any available alternative beside this same main dominant impulse, and eventually,it would consolidate its control within that particular servant,only after all such influential measures has been undertaken and concluded.
But then,the opposing impulses would not be holding their hands like that,no,not at all,rather being dexterous therewith,and as one breed of impulses do get on with their mission of complete dominance over the physical universe,the opposing breed thereof would also be doing all it can to foil and quell such planned missions of their own rivals, and every time one particular servant of one particular breed of impulses do get subdued by the powers of the rival breed the former master of that particular servant would then cut them off from their fold,thus forsaking them to anything that might come around,and as the victorious impulse do find nothing significant in that conquered servant,then they would let them roam the physical universe as a tortured and tormented being searching for deliverance and redemption,and after the duration of a certain period of that tortuous and tormenting trial inflicted on that particular servant by life on its own,so as a mean through which to measure and weigh the extent of that particular servant's endurance and faith in the discovery of deliverance and redemption,and after the duration of that period of being forsaken by the conquered breed of impulses,then life itself would decide on its own whether that particular victim of rejection and ostracism does indeed deserve that moment of deliverance and redemption,now that everything done there would be based on the findings of that trial that has just been imposed upon the very same victim by life on its own, and great shall be the day when the very same victim is found worthy of that deliverance and redemption,much as it is that stressful and distressing shall be that final moment when all is clear to the eye of the forsaken victim that deliverance is not here nor redemption there.Just sorrowful indeed,now that the master impulse would have long betrayed its own servant.Too bad and sad man,too bad indeed and not nice.
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