The rejection of negative impulses.
The physical world wherein we are living is a haven of a variety of impulses,these are the impulses that has naturally been given that power to rule over us as the natural physical creatures,and as they do wield their naturally given powers over us,they would then swing us from one life direction to another irrespective of who and what we are,and despite our racial or tribal orientation or any sexual identity,they are so powerful so much so that we cannot successfully resist them,unless we do seek assistance from one particular impulse to outdo the other.These are the impulses with the power to determine the direction of our lives and shape our future in one way or the other,we have been naturally created to be lower than them as far as the life of power and weakness is concerned,and therefore,there is nothing in life that we do that can never be under the influence of one particular impulse or the other.But despite the similar form in which all these impulses are naturally created in terms of shape,capacity to perform,and extent of power to fight and influence,deeper differences always lies in the wealth of their own identity as far as each individual impulse is concerned.These are the impulses that would traverse the physical universe in its entirety,searching for any prospective target to influence and overpower,and as they are at the extremes of their operations and missions they would not stop at anything until they have gotten what they had been thirsty for from time to time, and after having overpowered their prospective target such a victim thereof would not find any peace in their heart and mind until they have complied with the torturous and tormenting spell of that particular impulse.They would be feeling to be owing something to that dominant impulse and therefore bound to comply.
The weakness of one particular impulse lies within the irresistible power of one different impulse,and as they do wrestle each other for that dominance the physical universe itself and its inhabitants would then be affected in one way or the other,and after the conquest of one particular impulse over the struggle for one prospective target,then that particular target would find themselves having fallen a prey to one particular impulse,and following their victimization they would then find themselves beholden to that dominant impulse and therefore bound to serve and obey it in a committed and devoted manner.
These are the impulses that do come in different forms no matter what similar shape,and the distinctive nature of their form in terms of identity and qualitative character do extend to the nature of their missions and intention,and this is where the main battle and rivalry for dominance over the physical universe and its inhabitants lies in,and this is where the main challenge and temptation imposed to the physical universe and its inhabitants lies in.These are the inhabitants who would find themselves with no any existing choice but to decide which individual impulse to consult with so as an attempt to resist and avoid one particular dominant impulse,and as they do struggle for that decision to choose between the existing impulses,such impulses on the other hand would be wrestling each other bitterly over the conquest of one particular target meant to be influenced in one way or the other and then be overpowered.They would be conjuring up their possible spells such impulses as part of their struggle for dominance over the physical universe and its inhabitants.Hatred,jealousy,desire to kill and commit murder,all these would then be the main characters to better define and distinguish one particular impulse from others,much as it is that all such individual characters would be the best tools and armament with which to wrestle one different impulse in their struggle over one prospective target to be influenced and overpowered,and by the time the prospective target do get overpowered and influenced thereby then they would become permanent servants of that particular dominant impulse controlling them in their physical life,unless they do seek to consult with another different impulse for the assurance of their physical emancipation from the current dominant impulse.
Hovering the atmospheres of the physical universe in its entirety on the other hand would be the impulse with distinctive qualities and character from them all,and as the rival impulses do spend their time searching for any prospective target to influence and overpower,so would be doing this same distinctive impulse,and because of this same boiling rivalry and opposition the physical universe itself would then be turned into a scene of a massive battle and a terrible showdown,all the impulses would be searching for prospective targets to capture and straightaway enslave them.
Love,goodness,joy,happiness and generosity would all be hovering the atmospheres of the physical universe in its entirety,searching for prospective targets to influence and overpower,all these as part of the missions of the opposing impulses as they do stand guard against the rival impulses,and through their natural characteristics and identity they would then become hopeful of catching and capturing some targets as they do advance with their operational missions throughout the physical universe,and every time one particular victim do get captured thereby they would then be enslaved and then be put in the crossroads with the servants of the opposite impulse,and as the powers of such a dominant impulse within them do get proliferated,they would then choose to reject and avoid the influences of the opposing impulses and their servants,and for that matter the physical universe itself would then be turned into a scene of a massive showdown and a heated battle ground.
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