When life decides to give and take.
There is no any existing life in this life where anything of any kind whatsoever can just be committed and undertaken like that without any moment of getting what is deserved,neither is there any life of any kind in this life that can just be lived like that without limits and restrictions,where anything of any kind whatsoever can just be done without any caution or a moment of warning signs,and therefore,it is clear that to any kind of any life that may be lived or followed a final moment for everything to be fulfilled and come to an end is there,no matter after how long.Even though that particular character may enjoy that moment when all seem to be promising for constant steadiness,as if there cannot be a moment of change and new dimensions in their lives,that will only be so as a result of the opportunity still given by life itself for things to remain that way,but when the time had eventually come for that change and new dimensions to materialize and be fulfilled,frustration and confusion would then become annoying guests in that particular character's life,at least in most cases and not always,now that life itself would have finalized everything and decided the time has now come.What we do today will affect our future life in another way,whether we are currently aware of that or not,and what should happen to us in the future based on our current actions won't be avoided unless we do currently choose to deviate from what we had been proud of in terms of activities, and then jump to something different and new,still in terms of activities,then this life might also decide to shift the things that it had initially preserved for us based on such activities that would have become a thing of the past by now.The nature of such activities of ours will always speak great things about us,whether we are aware of that or not,now that in this good life in every action and activity undertaken there lies the main actor's identity carved through the implementation of those initial actions and activities,and as such,it is a total impossibility for us to successfully separate our personal identity from the nature and form of our truthful actions and activities,no matter how deeply deceptive we may try to be,now that that deceptive tactic and technique will work for us just but for a little while,at least against certain people but not everyone,and eventually exposure would then visit our own lives,and then all the truth about us come to the fore.
Whatever goodness and perfection preserved for us by this life on its own will be taken away from us,only as a result of us having so far failed to submit ourselves to the requirements and compulsions aligned with that provision of both goodness and perfection,now that in everything that is being offered us of this same life for a particular purpose and reason known only to life on its own,a certain requirement and order will be extended over unto us as the physical servants and subjects of this same life,and a serious expectation will always arise on the part of this same life that we as the servants and subjects thereof will always seek to submit ourselves to such issued requirements and orders,so that out of our own submission thereto our level of respect for this same life can come to be measured and weighed by this same life on its own and then a final benefit and consequence be handed down to us by this same life on its own.
This is a benefit and consequence that would be given and handed down in a manner that is rich with justice and perfection,now that everything would be done so on the basis of our own actions and the extent of our respect for any form of an injunction that this life might silently but seriously direct over unto us,for as we do keep on searching and exploring with this same life in a manner demonstrative of devoted eager and desire to attain that knowledge and understanding,there a certain moment will eventually come one day,when all that had been sought after do get given,answers to questions that from time to time had been asked do get given,and a moment when understanding about things that had always been confusing and frustrating do get handed down,now that this good life would have already decided the time has come for all those things to be fulfilled.
This is benefit and consequence that won't be substituted with anything else beside what it is supposed to be,for even though the receiver might wish that that had not come into their own lives they would just do so at least out of a mere wish and day dream of their own,now that what this life had decided should come to happen won't be returned back at all,unless yet another activity of a different form do get undertaken only so as a mean and sign of refraining from all the failures that had initially been entertained,then maybe can all that had been decided to happen be suspended,only by sheer luck and ultimate mercy so to speak.
It will always be our dream and wish as the natural living creatures,that we had been given such powers to turn whatever unwanted reality that had been given to us back to its own origin,only to realize then that there is nothing we can help with,now that such powers to give one thing or another is an exclusive capacity of life itself,much as it is that such a power to take back what has already been given is possible only by the willpower of this same life itself,no matter who likes it or not.
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