When life decides to punish us.

Day in and day out,we as natural living  creatures are all getting on with our lives which this life has found us worthy of.Ours is just to live it this life,now that since it has already been given to us it is therefore impossible for us to return it back to where it was before we were,instead,we are doomed to accept it as it is,live it and show our best in respecting what we have been found worthy of.And as we do get on with this same life it cannot be denied that we are all having our own dreams and wishes,it is just another part of this natural life that one,that every living organism should be given that right to dream and wish,much as it is that this life was not given to us in the absence of desires of our own hearts.
Living and perhaps enjoying it we do,but it can still not be denied that no matter how we live it,the challenges to face now and then are with us,and beside that,we are having the desires of our own hearts to follow and appease,and as part of that natural fact,that we do have to have desires and feelings generated from inside of our hearts,we would then follow what is being generated therefrom time after time depending on our understanding and perception of that particular desire that is being generated,and no matter what nature of that particular desire generated from our hearts and then followed of us,a certain benefit of one nature or the other would subsequently arrive in our lives.
Given the nature of those desires generated from our hearts as part of the natural aspect of life,and based on each individual character and personality,each of us as natural beings would then start behaving and acting on the basis of influence effected within our hearts by the standing powers of each particular desire,and it will depend how far does that particular individual correspond with that dominant desire,and how powerful is that desire towards the resistant capacity of that particular individual's heart,and no matter whichever way does things proceed and unfold,the final benefit and consequence will always follow.It is the way this life proceeds.
Now,what about some of us who has since been overpowered by the influence of strange desires forcing us into strange behaviors and actions?Are we going to suffer similar feat to those who had chosen to deviate from our actions and straightaway did what we despised?Are they going to get similar benefit to the one we who have contradicted them do deserve?What will this life have to do with us under these same circumstances?Will it see us as being equals on all grounds despite the deeper differences associated with our diverse actions,or will it treat us with deeper discrimination and specialty as a factor of our different actions?What when some of us are being naturally discriminated from others by this life given such existing differences lying within our actions?Will we then start complaining and quarreling against this same life as to why we are different from others just like the benefits we are getting?

Could it be that what we are suffering from today is what we ourselves,as natural living beings,have caused on our own through our correspondence with strange desires that had long overpowered our hearts?And if things might be found by this life on its own to be that way,what amount of sacrifices will we have to offer so as to try and win the favor of this life and then have our distress alleviated if not eliminated?And what if what we are currently doing in our attempt to win that favor is not taking us anywhere closer to that betterment but sheer distress,given our lack of knowledge and understanding about which way might lead us to that betterment?What if that knowledge and understanding on how attain all such requirements to assure us that betterment is among us,and we do see it but then do reject and undermine it given our lost expectation of something different from what we see?Will we then just get on with our wrongful life like that and still expect something better to be thrown to us by this same life?And what if this life itself is strict and does not take any excuse?


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