When knowledge do guide its servants.
There is a certain moment in life where one might find themselves not understanding what is taking place in their lives,nor find the right people who might help providing that informative advice concerning what might possibly be the cause of their own woes in their lives,and what might possibly be done so as to try and battle them out.Such friendly people who are being open to others are a rare commodity in this life so to speak.Or how can't they be so scarce in the face of these modern times where adversity has come to characterize the nature of popular lifestyles aspired by most of us the physical creatures?
There is also a certain moment in this life wherein one might find themselves searching for that understanding about who and what they are,or what the rightful purpose and role to be played by them in this life is,or searching for that life of their own desire and wondering how to attain it or if ever will it be possible for them to attain that victory against the imposing stumbling blocks that had stood between them and that possible success.This is nothing of any wonder at all,now that life itself was created in a certain manner that do compel it,for certain reasons known to it,to include certain challenges and trials beyond which victorious glory is existent,or even tragic doom,it is just how it is this life and for what reason that is its own deep secret.
There is also a certain moment in this life,wherein certain people posing as the masters of knowledge and understanding would show up in one's life,all these after one had been searching tirelessly for that knowledge and understanding about this same life,wondering how in good life things can come to be as bad and distasteful as they are,or how come in good life that people can just be so brutal and evil as they are,so much so that goodness becomes a sign of folly whereas evilness itself tend to represent goodness and ultimate wisdom,then such claiming masters of knowledge and understanding would come,pretending to be ready for the provision of that perfect knowledge and understanding about life,and also pretending to be representing that goodness and justice,at least when things are taken on face value alone,now that deep within their own hearts and minds they would be truly knowing who are they,just the agents of evilness and excess and ready to fulfill their missions of evilness and wickedness through camouflaged tactics of pretense and deception.
And then knowledge and understanding would eventually come in the face of all these,aiming itself upon those understood to be faithful and loyal unto it no matter what circumstance or state of affairs,all these after those found worthy of that knowledge and understanding had been searching for it for the rest of their own lives,wondering whether that precious moment will ever come in their own lives for them to eventually speak with confidence that knowledge and understanding is existent in real life,then upon them it would land,turning them into its platform where to find a landing space every time it wanted to make itself available among the inhabitants of the universe,albeit in a secretive and tricky manner,and joy shall be with them,now that they would have received what they had long been searching for,albeit in a desperate and hopeless manner,it would then guide them,teach them about this and that,and then of the life of knowledge and understanding they shall live,now that they would have long been captured thereby and then turned into the servants thereof.It is life,it is having its own way of making things happen,and what can we do?Nothing surely!
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