When life decides to swing us around it.

We are having no freedom about ourselves we the creatures of the physical universe,we have been enslaved,captured and put under control.We have been bound with tight and unbreakable bounds,and no matter how hard we may be trying in breaking them down,still it seems as if we won't be any successful at all,in fact,we will never be,neither did they that tried that before us succeeded in attaining that true emancipation from the grip of such heavy and tight bounds,no matter how hard they forced and tried to make things appear as if to them such heavy bounds are not binding at all,theirs was just a life of deception and pretense,life of day dreaming and vanity,for even though they lived their life of swollen words and camouflaged identities,the truth remained to life itself about them that what they had been created for is what they must fulfill,that the bounds that are binding everything and everyone are also calling them for submission and obedience,unless when seeking and searching for the worst to be send to them by this same binding life on its own,then of their freedom to get on with their rebellious and contemptuous lives they had,and of dismay and amazement had not to trouble their minds as what they deserved was send to them by this life on its own,now that that is what they would have sought and searched for in their own lives through the fulfillment of such strange lifestyles of theirs.

We can join them as we may be so wishing by now,or seek to rather deviate from what they had been maintaining and supporting for the rest of their life,without having to be forgetful however about the fact that whatever choice we do make by now will make what we do deserve to eventually be send down to us,that only because of the will and desire of this life on its own,now that it is just about everything that is known unto this same life,and therefore,what it had decided it can just send down to us at any given due time.
This is the life with its own exclusive and amazing powers,life with its own capacities special to it,and the life with its own deep secrets known only to it.It can give a warning sign at times before it lets one thing or another come into existence,or just let it happen without any knowledge of any living creature,or just make this one secret of its own confided in this one creature or another,or just keep everything to itself without having to reveal anything whatsoever to anyone.It can just have us the physical creatures taken over into certain times of unprecedented proportions in our lives,or have us taken to times meant as a commemoration of things that had been,only so as to remind us all about what happened when things were in one particular way,and what can possibly be done by now so as to avoid the benefits and consequences that had always been exclusive to all such things that had been.It can just bless us in one way or the other,or just curse us fir one reason only if it may so be wishing,shower in some mercy for us all,or cast us into a situation that is a haven of all things bitter and unacceptable,only when angered by our actions of having to be provocative and disrespectful unto it. 
Owing it one thing or another we will always be,and the status of perfection and justice won't be preserved for us until we have complied with what is necessary,now that in this life there is no action of ours that does not count at all,much as it is that there is no activity that does not deserve any benefit and consequence.


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