
Showing posts from September, 2021


HYPOCRITICAL ATTITUDES. In life we were created to dwell and live together;much as it is that we are compelled to love and respect one another;now that where there is togetherness love and respect will also be found;and in the absence of the two no complete togetherness can be observed and realized;unless partiality and hypocritical incompetence.For that matter of love and respect;no perfection and completeness can come in our lives as living  mortals until we have complied;and as our compliance do lack and waver so shall the distance of togetherness increase between us;and the longer the distance the bitter the ending. As living and natural mortals we would find ourselves at one stage or another in our lives coming into contact with a variety of individual characters;and as we do experiment with such people with whom we do come into contact we would find ourselves left with unanswered questions at times given the distinctiveness of each character from the other;we would even;at ti...


  PERSONAL ATTITUDES. Life is a reality that is a paradise of a collection of different living organisms after their class and order;and beside that class and order all such organisms are having individual roles to fulfill;and above all these comes the fact that all of them are having a particular set of fundamental laws and rules that do govern and control them;it is just a matter of how far do each organism submit itself to such governing fundamental laws and how realistic do each organism approach the fulfillment of its natural role to play;and as a result of each organism's approach to such given set of fundamental laws and roles to play;the world that surround  them do get influenced in a particular way;much as the progression of the life they are living do get propelled into a particular direction. We the people of the universe as one part of those living organisms we are not in any position of indemnity from the compulsions of such fundamental principles and rules;neith...


SACRIFICED CHILDREN. The fact that the little children are future leaders and adults cannot be denied;it can only take the most dumb and stubborn to make an argument out of that fact;and it is because of  theirs being future  adults and leaders that the responsibility to help groom and prepare them  for that role is ours  as parents;hence the necessary need for us to keep a watchful eye on every step they do take to  avoid future regrets for us and them;for their future failures might have negative impact in our lives as responsible parents. There can never be a fulfilling and gratifying moment in one's life than for one responsible parent to witness the subsequent success coming in their obedient child's way;much as it is that too much of an embarrassment in one responsible parent's life might be a factor of the disastrous ending of their stubborn child;all these after many attempts and efforts were undertaken to help groom their beloved child for a brighter fu...


 DISGRACEFUL  DEEDS. Our physical structures as living creatures has been adorned with all manner of  features and parts to enable us perform a variety of activities.The ear here and eye over there;a mouth here nose over there; or even the performing hand here and walking leg down there;it is just how we have been naturally created;the reason why we don't have any choice but to utilize these given sorts of embellishments in our quest for compliance.But;above all these given natural  embellishments stands the most crucial of them all and the center of physical life itself;the heart and mind.It is through these two driving factors of physical  life that this whole set of natural embellishments do get controlled and directed;and without the two the physical life itself is doomed and rendered useless. As we do get on with our daily physical life as natural mortals;we do find ourselves confronted by different experiences from time to time that do compel u...


  WESTERN POWERS. The fact that history is based on two worlds can not be denied;and even though such two worlds are but existing in one universe their participation in shaping that universal history  is quite interesting and crucial;and as each side of these two worlds struggled for that permanent universal control and political power the direction of  normal life was diverted and influenced in a particular way;thus forcing the inhabitants of the universe at large to adapt to the new and ever changing heights;but no matter what changing times and direction of life the struggle for that universal dominance and political power still lingered between these two legendary rivals in the form of the east and west. As the western super powers in the form of Greece and Rome for example wrestled and competed for control over the rest of the eastern world the developments on the African continent were highlighting the imminent advent of disastrous historical moments.Endless divisio...


  GETTING WHAT IS DESERVED. In this amazing reality called life there is nothing that does not come without its own consequences;much as it is that there is no any existing question to which there is no answer;it is just a matter of finding a way and mean through  which  to get what is deserved;and when what is deserved has eventually been given and gotten great shall be observed by the one who from time to time had been in pursuit  of that particular consequence;only when it is meeting their needs and level of satisfaction;and disappointment alongside regret be observed by the one because of whose deeds and commitments that particular consequence materialized;only when it is worthy  of rejection and remorse. As ordinary living mortals;we would find ourselves at one stage or another in this life committing ourselves to a particular deed or another;yet we do in many times overlook the reality that to every deed we do commit ourselves into a final benefit and cons...


  TROUBLED WORLD. History itself is the part and parcel of life that humanity can never erase or bypass;in it lies every aspect of the necessary and most critical truth about the origins of a particular living species;and within that truth lies a doorway to the realm of knowledge and understanding about how things has come to be what they are now;and therefore;history itself is the stubborn truth about everything;that is how the facts of life are and no one can change them;at least with swollen words of arrogance one may claim to have changed such historical facts though  in reality that claim will remain as empty as it was before;now that the truth will be awaiting on a standby for anyone prepared to be with it;and as that particular person embrace and discover that fundamental truth knowledge and understanding shall also be with them;and the rest is history.  As a result of destructive substances with which components of humanity fed their minds;the proper functionality...


  WEAKER HEART. We the ordinary mortals had been brought into this natural life complete with the presence of both the mind and heart;our main physical tools to implement and utilize in the quest for satisfaction of our worldly desires.But despite the similarity around these two main physical tools no matter what our different personal identity each from the other;their contents might be of different nature.In fact;those contents has always been of that different nature even as the commitments of our deeds can serve as a perfect proof to help exonerate that fact. It just depend after all these how one choose to implement the services of these two critical tools in the world of mortality and straight away utilize them;but no matter what nature and form of that particular choice;the eventual consequence and benefit will follow whether the protagonist likes it or not;and then through the help of that particular consequence the truth shall be given;so as to know and understand all abou...


  TROUBLESOME REALITIES. The mind is the most precious physical feature to have ever been gifted to all living creatures of the universe;it is through it that knowledge and understanding do reach every component of living creatures;and without it the future of all living physical creatures is doomed and rendered gloom and useless.Suppose there is this living creature endlessly roaming the grounds of the earth;only when driven by the lack of knowledge and understanding of what it is looking and searching for given the absence of the mind in its empty head. This is the most precious gift to be treated with ultimate respect and given the fundamental care it deserves and requires;now that knowledge and understanding might lack that platform through which to land in our lives in time of need.In the absence of that knowledge and understanding in our lives as mortal beings searching for perfection;we won't know who and what we are;neither would we know and understand what we are looking f...


  AMAZING LIFE. Our state of current affairs is a result of our previous commitments and deeds;and if our previously committed deeds are the determinants of the current state of affairs who are we going to call into order and tell them to look at what they have done;and who are we going to cast a blame at and point a finger at for the advent of the unwelcome state of current affairs?Are we going to preserve our arrogant pride at all these once again or suffer from a regretful remorse and straight away look for means through which  to have the deterioration of the consequential situation alleviated;and if we don't suffer from the urge to be in search for measures that can help turn these intensive and harsh realities around what are we going to do next when this life had eventually decided that enough is enough about us and straight away cast us into the most extremes of living conditions as a factor of our stubborn attitudes and tendencies? Life itself is an amazing reality th...


RESTLESSNESS.   The  world in which we are living is a hub of all kinds of activities much as it is in case of living creatures;we ourselves as living creatures that forms an integral part of this reality called life  would find ourselves at one point or another in our lives compelled to make a particular commitment and deed of some sort;and it does not matter what deed or commitment that might be;whether be it the struggle for a  particular achievement in the form of a classic-looking mansion;a well-fulfilled promise of marriage;a luxurious vehicle or even a struggle to find that source of  income to ensure a better financially-maintained lifestyle.That is how this world goes or how this life progresses;and we  are all bound within such bounds of living. But all such struggles does not come and proceed in the absence of  much hard work;and in the absence of determination that hard work itself is dead and doomed since the fulfillment thereof is based o...


DISASTROUS ENDING. The commitments of us as creatures of physical form has been marked and described by incidents demonstrative of brutality and prejudice;and it cannot be escaped the reality that history itself will always be judgmental of our current and past state of affairs. Life is a reality that is progressing in a way known only to itself;no one knows what the following day will look like or bring about when it comes;unless if that particular person had their initial agendas and plans put in place concerning what to do the next day.When the sun goes down we never know what the secrets of the night are regarding our fate;same applies to the rising sun as we would remain in the dark concerning the nature and direction of that particular day's progression;we would rather keep on hoping that the progression of the day will have favor on us  while wishing that we had been incapacitated with such powers to direct the progression of life our own way.    Despite the dispos...