HYPOCRITICAL ATTITUDES. In life we were created to dwell and live together;much as it is that we are compelled to love and respect one another;now that where there is togetherness love and respect will also be found;and in the absence of the two no complete togetherness can be observed and realized;unless partiality and hypocritical incompetence.For that matter of love and respect;no perfection and completeness can come in our lives as living mortals until we have complied;and as our compliance do lack and waver so shall the distance of togetherness increase between us;and the longer the distance the bitter the ending. As living and natural mortals we would find ourselves at one stage or another in our lives coming into contact with a variety of individual characters;and as we do experiment with such people with whom we do come into contact we would find ourselves left with unanswered questions at times given the distinctiveness of each character from the other;we would even;at ti...