In this amazing reality called life there is nothing that does not come without its own consequences;much as it is that there is no any existing question to which there is no answer;it is just a matter of finding a way and mean through  which  to get what is deserved;and when what is deserved has eventually been given and gotten great shall be observed by the one who from time to time had been in pursuit  of that particular consequence;only when it is meeting their needs and level of satisfaction;and disappointment alongside regret be observed by the one because of whose deeds and commitments that particular consequence materialized;only when it is worthy  of rejection and remorse.

As ordinary living mortals;we would find ourselves at one stage or another in this life committing ourselves to a particular deed or another;yet we do in many times overlook the reality that to every deed we do commit ourselves into a final benefit and consequence will deservedly make a follow up;and even though  it might take long or a very limited space of time that final day will eventually  come;wherein all that has been provoked materialize;and automatically the truth shall be observed within that final consequence in relation to what that initial commitment ensured;and it shall be up to the protagonist whether they  do advance that particular deed that led them there or give it up for another given its unwelcoming consequences;and therefore;knowledge shall be with that particular protagonist in terms of what should be done to avoid a particular situation or what can be done to entertain another situation.

Now that knowledge has eventually  come into  our lives and showed us all that we have been provoking through our daily commitments and deeds;and also the resultant effects of deeds committed by those before us;what is it that we are going to make of this given knowledge?

Are  we going to seek for means and alternatives through which to advance the interests and missions of those who in their times of living suffered from the urge within their hearts and minds to facilitate all such commitments and deeds that led us to where we are now?What when such ideologies and philosophies they helped facilitate and plan had been proven to be absolutely lost and misleading given the negative consequences acquired and provoked through compliance with those wrongful ideologies?Will we then feel proud of and indebted to them no matter what our realization of how destructive and provocative their lost ideologies and philosophies had proven to be;or are we going to feel embarrassed and emotionally broken as we try to  track down their mental state that inspired them to facilitate such destructive ideologies and philosophies?What when we do feel less inspired by such philosophies?Are we going to feel weak and frightened to open our mouths in condemnation of such lost  ideologies and misleading philosophies while pretending all is well and requires no rectification?What when one is looking for what is right and someone is bent and determined to see things going down to bitterness and excess?     


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