The fact that the little children are future leaders and adults cannot be denied;it can only take the most dumb and stubborn to make an argument out of that fact;and it is because of  theirs being future  adults and leaders that the responsibility to help groom and prepare them  for that role is ours  as parents;hence the necessary need for us to keep a watchful eye on every step they do take to  avoid future regrets for us and them;for their future failures might have negative impact in our lives as responsible parents.

There can never be a fulfilling and gratifying moment in one's life than for one responsible parent to witness the subsequent success coming in their obedient child's way;much as it is that too much of an embarrassment in one responsible parent's life might be a factor of the disastrous ending of their stubborn child;all these after many attempts and efforts were undertaken to help groom their beloved child for a brighter future of successful ending.

It can never be denied again that it is not just about every child that is stubborn;much as it is that it is not every parent that is prepared to live a life full of demonstrative and inspirational responsibility;and therein lies the subsequent destruction of many households;and out of that domestic disarray the society itself is destined for distress and excess.

As we do get on with our daily lives as leading elders of society in the form of parents;we do find ourselves at times baffled by events and incidents of our surroundings;while wondering what can be done to try and turn things around for the better;we  would even wish we had been incapacitated with those natural powers to propel this life our own way;only to realize that that will always be our unfulfilled dream.We would observe with sorrow and displeasure as some of our counterparts do choose to  betray and neglect their innocent little stars;all these after having made an initial agreement among themselves that as grown up adults the time has come for them to start a solid family;only to come and betray the terms of their initial agreement;with some newly born babies dumped in waste bags;school-going kids pulled out and turned into filthy street kids with eventual habit of drug addiction and prostitution as their fathers and mothers back home there are engaged in bloody scuffles that do in most cases result in loss of lives;and a terrible sacrifice always falls on innocent little children.It is too bad;really too bad.    


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