History itself is the part and parcel of life that humanity can never erase or bypass;in it lies every aspect of the necessary and most critical truth about the origins of a particular living species;and within that truth lies a doorway to the realm of knowledge and understanding about how things has come to be what they are now;and therefore;history itself is the stubborn truth about everything;that is how the facts of life are and no one can change them;at least with swollen words of arrogance one may claim to have changed such historical facts though  in reality that claim will remain as empty as it was before;now that the truth will be awaiting on a standby for anyone prepared to be with it;and as that particular person embrace and discover that fundamental truth knowledge and understanding shall also be with them;and the rest is history. 

As a result of destructive substances with which components of humanity fed their minds;the proper functionality of the very same defiled minds fell apart;and what had to be rejected and condemned was then embraced and upheld;much as what had to be embraced  and upheld was rejected and condemned;and out of that mental profanity negative impulses flourished and culminated in the adoption of lost ideologies and philosophies that saw the once peaceful life pushed to the extremes of brutality through wrongful and contemptuous commitments and deeds of components of  the very same humanity;that was once living in a life of justice and reverence. 

No race between the two was in any position of immunity from the sweeping spell of bad impulses wreaking havoc in their lives;rather compelled and tempted to show its best as far as compliance with the compulsions of that negative impulse is concerned;and as no any other form of compliance was found than brutality and evilness;blood shed had to be a perfect signature with which to showcase excellent standard of compliance;and as the quest for compliance mounted  among components of the these two descriptive races in the existence of humanity;one brother killed another and the sister the other one and to animals considered as supernatural creatures little children were sacrificed;only when mental failure had taken central position within the minds of components of humanity  as a result of the irresistible impulse of negativity.Bitterness had portions of humanity spellbound.

Those who had declared themselves or were appointed by others as kings saw it better to cast existing components of humanity into extreme divisions characterized by sheer bloodshed and blood curdling brutality;with tribalism on the African continent having become a perfect tool with which to demonstrate devotion and dedication towards the evil impulse of negativity;and the complicity of the African kings saw the so called mother land reduced into a scene of brutal showdown;the virus of mental failure had already consumed the contents of their minds they could not think properly;and the spell of the evil impulse already stiffened their hearts they could not feel properly;no wonder then that to them the smell of blood meant a lot more than  any other natural scent.Weakness had already wreaked havoc in them;and to them that weakness meant power and ultimate glory.

The beginning of the destruction of the African continent had already gained momentum and the culprit the black man on his own;and as that weakness disguised as power and glory flourished;one's brother became their enemy and the African grounds a scene of blood smell and human carcass;tribalism had taken over and weakness effected destruction. 


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