We the ordinary mortals had been brought into this natural life complete with the presence of both the mind and heart;our main physical tools to implement and utilize in the quest for satisfaction of our worldly desires.But despite the similarity around these two main physical tools no matter what our different personal identity each from the other;their contents might be of different nature.In fact;those contents has always been of that different nature even as the commitments of our deeds can serve as a perfect proof to help exonerate that fact.
It just depend after all these how one choose to implement the services of these two critical tools in the world of mortality and straight away utilize them;but no matter what nature and form of that particular choice;the eventual consequence and benefit will follow whether the protagonist likes it or not;and then through the help of that particular consequence the truth shall be given;so as to know and understand all about where does that initial commitment and deed falls in terms of the side of the just and the wrongful as far as the compulsions of this natural life do recommend.
Now;based on the advent of the nature of consequences of our deeds in this world of mortality;it cannot be denied that there is less compliance committed than too much of disobedience leveled against the recommendations of this natural life;hatred and jealousy can serve as a perfect proof;and the source of all these is the weakness of our hearts as mortal subjects of this natural life.
Dangerous as they are these two critical tools;the range and scale of effects of their products is completely irreversible though convertible and possible to reject and renounce;such effects may at times be deadly towards the impulse of negativity or destructive towards the benefits of the impulse of goodness and justice.
As we do get on with this life of mortality as natural living creatures;we do find ourselves at times confused and frustrated concerning decisions and choices to make in this life of deep complications;where simplicity requires too much of dedication and total devotion to attain.We would find ourselves not knowing who to trust and believe given the challenge that comes with having to know one's self and standpoint in this life of ordinary mortals.As a result of our failure to reach recommended depths of knowledge and understanding we would find ourselves tempted to be hateful of those unto whom knowledge had decided to descend;only when the impulse of jealousy had started wreaking havoc within the abilities of our hearts and minds.
And as hatred start consuming us deep inside there given the weakness of our hearts;we would even find it difficult to congratulate those who had worked hard in this life of opportunities to attain their justifiable achievements; we would rather wish that all the evil do befall them even when they would have done nothing wrong in their struggle for those life achievements;and when the impulse of jealousy starts overriding us as mortal beings with weaker hearts beholden to powers of evilness and brutality;we would even search for punitive measures against those who had done better than us in this life of challenges;only when feeling ashamed to admit our initial wrongful conclusions made about them that there is nothing progressive in life to come from them.We would even feel like swearing at them while developing negative attitudes against them when they are around us;only when troubled by the annoying sense of consciousness that keep reminding us about the way in which we used to look down on those people and never expected an achievement of that extent to be attained of them better than us.This can never be something worthy of any amazement at all;now that as mortal creatures we are consistently troubled by the influence of negative impulse that do always take advantage of our weaker minds and hearts.
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