The mind is the most precious physical feature to have ever been gifted to all living creatures of the universe;it is through it that knowledge and understanding do reach every component of living creatures;and without it the future of all living physical creatures is doomed and rendered gloom and useless.Suppose there is this living creature endlessly roaming the grounds of the earth;only when driven by the lack of knowledge and understanding of what it is looking and searching for given the absence of the mind in its empty head.
This is the most precious gift to be treated with ultimate respect and given the fundamental care it deserves and requires;now that knowledge and understanding might lack that platform through which to land in our lives in time of need.In the absence of that knowledge and understanding in our lives as mortal beings searching for perfection;we won't know who and what we are;neither would we know and understand what we are looking for in this life of realness;nor understand what is the real meaning of this life and therefore what should or not be done;neither would we be able to know and understand who to trust and discredit;nor what and what not to say and speak.We would rather be rendered empty-headed and useless;no wonder then that this is the most precious physical feature requiring ultimate respect and care it deserves.
Now;considering the current state of affairs in which we as modern personalities living in a highly civilized world do find ourselves;we do on a daily basis come into contact with a variety of realities that in most cases do tempt us to compromise the preciousness and sanctity of this prominent gift;and some of such tempting matters might be of an invisible nature and form while others do take that visible form.When mental emptiness and physical uselessness start swaying our lives and compromising the sanctity of this central physical attribute;we would emotionally find ourselves tempted to develop hateful attitudes and bad behaviors against our close associates;our minds would start generating negative thoughts and evil plots against our own close associates that are supposed to be treated with that fraternal love and respect they do really deserve.We won't even feel ashamed having to treat our little children with severity and active brutality as if they were born to be exposed to such realities and suffer such experiences;only when emptiness and uselessness had started wreaking havoc in our lives.
As weakness starts effecting conquest in our lives;we would in most occasions find ourselves giving our precious lives away and succumbing to dangerous temptations of drug consumption and eventual addiction;the real dangerous practices to help taint the natural glory given to our precious minds thus rendering them wasted and useless and then liable to rejection and eventual destruction.And as sheer profanity of our minds starts multiplying as a result of the destructive effects of these sources of mental profanity in the form of drugs;we would then start developing negative impulses within our hearts that see us ending up on the wrong side of the fundamental laws of living.Violence;killing;stealing;robbing and contempt would then become new aspects of our lives of drug consumption and addiction;only when the impulse of hatred and prejudice effected by such dangerous and destructive sources of mental profanity had found a perfect paradise in our hearts and minds.
Sadly;as we keep giving our lives away to all these tempting and destructive realities; our children would be vigilantly standing by and seeing everything;and from there they would choose which lifestyle to adopt as they grow up;whether they become ordinary mortals of wasted mentalities or better mortals to reject the destructive legacy left behind by agents of mental destruction and profanity.
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