The commitments of us as creatures of physical form has been marked and described by incidents demonstrative of brutality and prejudice;and it cannot be escaped the reality that history itself will always be judgmental of our current and past state of affairs.

Life is a reality that is progressing in a way known only to itself;no one knows what the following day will look like or bring about when it comes;unless if that particular person had their initial agendas and plans put in place concerning what to do the next day.When the sun goes down we never know what the secrets of the night are regarding our fate;same applies to the rising sun as we would remain in the dark concerning the nature and direction of that particular day's progression;we would rather keep on hoping that the progression of the day will have favor on us  while wishing that we had been incapacitated with such powers to direct the progression of life our own way.   

Despite the disposition of this life of deep complications and secrets to deprive us of knowledge and understanding about the storage of our future as physical creatures;we can still count on the fact that through the  nature of the consequences of our initial commitments and deeds knowledge and understanding about this same life do get instilled within our minds as physical beings;now that within such subsequent consequences lies the truth  and facts about what is to be done or rejected in life for the assurance of a particular outcome;and from there power will be transferred into our hands as physical creatures to decide which deed to commit if we are looking forward into something;that is how this life goes;at least on the simple and obvious part  of it minus the  complicated  side thereof.

Now that a slight and slim doorway into the realm and sphere of knowledge and understanding had been shown to us by this life through the eventual consequences of our deeds and commitments;what choices are we as living physical creatures going to make?Are we still going to  carry on with our initial commitments that led us to where we are today in terms of history;or look  for another measures;in terms of our commitments and deeds;through which to divert and convert the unwelcome consequences of our initial deeds and commitments?Are we still going to perpetuate our racial and tribal tendencies that has since proven to be disastrously destructive and inhumane?What when we do multiply  them and thus increase the intensity and depths of our disastrous endings?What about our domestic lives and social lifestyles?What when we never know how harsh the eventual consequences provoked by our arrogant attitudes will be both for the current and future generations;but still remain stubborn and swearing there is nothing that will change who we are and what we have started come what may?And what if all these are the consequences of our weaknesses and we are not prepared to become strong in terms of justifiable living and exonerated humanity?


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