Life is a reality that is a paradise of a collection of different living organisms after their class and order;and beside that class and order all such organisms are having individual roles to fulfill;and above all these comes the fact that all of them are having a particular set of fundamental laws and rules that do govern and control them;it is just a matter of how far do each organism submit itself to such governing fundamental laws and how realistic do each organism approach the fulfillment of its natural role to play;and as a result of each organism's approach to such given set of fundamental laws and roles to play;the world that surround  them do get influenced in a particular way;much as the progression of the life they are living do get propelled into a particular direction.

We the people of the universe as one part of those living organisms we are not in any position of indemnity from the compulsions of such fundamental principles and rules;neither do we have any freedom from the compulsory roles to fulfill;in fact;right in the depths of such a responsibility we are;so much so that no any amount of plea and attempted effort of avoidance can help secure our indemnity from such compulsory fundamental laws and rules that do govern this same life we are all living and sharing as natural mortals.

As we do get on with this given life we do at times find ourselves confused about what direction to follow and what role to play;sometimes we do even question the realness of this same life;only when we are unable to find our exact roles to play while wondering whether what we do is right or wrong;or even eager to come across someone in our lives who can help groom us into  what we are supposed to be.This is not something that is amazing or unnatural at all given the complicated nature of this reality called life.

As our attempt to find out who we actually are in this life;in terms of personal role to play;we would in most cases find ourselves being compelled to be somewhat introspective for the assurance of that personal discovery;and from the products of our personal introspection our true personal identity would then be determined;and from our discovered personal identity our direction in this life would then be observed;much alike as the nature of our commitments and deeds;and the ultimate challenge would remain in our capacity and determination to be loyal to our newly discovered personal character and identity.

Here is to the world today;here we are we the living organisms in the form of modern generation;and here is to the direction of this modern generation's life structured and propelled by the nature of our daily commitments and deeds;advanced civilization is at the center of our daily life of modernity;and given the excessive temptations coming with the nature of this life of modernity failure of compliance with the fundamental principles of living has become the part and parcel of our daily lives;and the fulfillment of proper responsibilities a burden not to be tried or attended to.We have been stumbling and erring in our lives while being complacent with what we are doing;and there the fundamental principles of living are impatiently awaiting all of us to comply with and fulfill them;and util we have suffered from that urge of compliance there shall be nothing left with us to appease this given life;and our failure of appeasement will always have negative consequences directed to us by the wrath of this same life. 


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