The  world in which we are living is a hub of all kinds of activities much as it is in case of living creatures;we ourselves as living creatures that forms an integral part of this reality called life  would find ourselves at one point or another in our lives compelled to make a particular commitment and deed of some sort;and it does not matter what deed or commitment that might be;whether be it the struggle for a  particular achievement in the form of a classic-looking mansion;a well-fulfilled promise of marriage;a luxurious vehicle or even a struggle to find that source of  income to ensure a better financially-maintained lifestyle.That is how this world goes or how this life progresses;and we  are all bound within such bounds of living.

But all such struggles does not come and proceed in the absence of  much hard work;and in the absence of determination that hard work itself is dead and doomed since the fulfillment thereof is based on a burning desire down there to get things up and running;and that is where most of us do get challenged and straight away become erroneous in our quest for a well and successful living.As parents we do find ourselves at times left with no  choice but too tell our children about the natural facts of life;but  it is surely difficult for one particular child to believe in what their parent is telling them until they've proven that on their own;and therefore;it is  clear that what we do encourage our children to do is what we should have firstly done so as to win them into conviction.

In these modern days most of us as materially civilized individuals with that deep envy for this and that do overlook the real fact that there is nothing in life that come with ease and without the involvement of hard work and determination;and given the dangerous nature of this  kind of attitude and ideology the ground do get prepared for the possibility of serious jealousy against the one who had been  working tirelessly in their quest for a particular successful dream and goal;and in their times of hard working some us would be basking lazily in the sun and maybe  gossiping about them;only to come and feel deeply jealous at our final realization that that success eventually favored that particular hard worker;that is our problem as living individuals and this problem seems to be holding us tight on to the ground.

Most  of our children also;as living individuals who have inherited this kind of problem from us as parents;do get things wrong as they are getting on with their lives;they do  tend to  believe and think that in life one can just fold their hands like that and behold every good aspect of a successful living unfolding in their lives without any effort and hard work prior  to that successful ending;and it does not come as a wonder that some of them do get wasted along the way as part of their quest for shortcuts  into a well-financed successful lifestyle;and by the time they start searching for those shortcuts exploitative characters would be waiting on a standby to pounce on any prospective prey;and by the time we as parents do try to save them from the spell of that ideology it would have long gotten a full grip in them given our failure to do that in the right time and our failure to lead by example.

But then;it cannot be denied that it depend how serious do our children take our advice and guidance;but that does not mean that we as parents should become desperate ad reluctant to lead our children with honesty and great desire to save them from misleading and destructive impulses of negativity;that has always been our role as responsible parents with a burning desire to see their beloved ones through to a successful ending through the  implementation of much hard work;for where hard work is success is imminent no matter what possible adversity in the form of jealousy.     


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