Our state of current affairs is a result of our previous commitments and deeds;and if our previously committed deeds are the determinants of the current state of affairs who are we going to call into order and tell them to look at what they have done;and who are we going to cast a blame at and point a finger at for the advent of the unwelcome state of current affairs?Are we going to preserve our arrogant pride at all these once again or suffer from a regretful remorse and straight away look for means through which  to have the deterioration of the consequential situation alleviated;and if we don't suffer from the urge to be in search for measures that can help turn these intensive and harsh realities around what are we going to do next when this life had eventually decided that enough is enough about us and straight away cast us into the most extremes of living conditions as a factor of our stubborn attitudes and tendencies?

Life itself is an amazing reality that comes with a variety of experiences to explore;whether it is a newly attained  academic achievement to inspire that sense of pride and personal growth in one's life time;a newly found romantic partnership to make one feel the advent of adulthood in their lives or just a mere social friendship to make one feel the arrival of a new time in their lives to explore with new beginnings and new heights;that is how the dynamics of this life has always been.

But;over and above this comes the fact that we lack knowledge as living creatures in relation to how and when this same life we are celebrating was formed;it is just a matter of fact that everyone of us was born only to find everything  up to date in terms of  natural life;and straight away gave our physical lives over to the compulsions of this natural life only after we had already realized that we are left with no any other existing choice beside compliance.It cannot be denied on the other hand however that;that annoying reminder had always been troublesome in our lives about our lack of knowledge and understanding concerning how and when this reality called life was formed and by whom despite existing fake claims coming from  some of us as living creatures about our knowledge and understanding of everything. 

The problem and trouble emanating from our side as natural living creatures had always been the nature and form of our mental contents coupled with the desires and impulses of our hearts;and it has always been their factor that our surroundings and the world in which we are living had always been influenced in a particular order and channeled into a particular direction.But this is nothing of a surprise at all since we were all created with the inclusion of both the heart and mind in our lives albeit for a particular purpose. 

Now, considering the nature and form of our mental contents and desires of our hearts history itself can come to our rescue and help as an invisible though realistic sitting judge over matters surrounding our commitments and deeds.And based on the historical findings of researches and investigations conducted by history itself and presented before us as living creatures and integral part of humanity,it is true that hatred had from time to time been plaguing us as components of humanity, and there is no any other available standard and criteria to be used in properly measuring the hateful nature of our mental contents and desires of our hearts than our racist and tribal commitments. 

We had been hateful to one another,our desires had been those of being hurtful towards each other,and tribalism alongside racism were found as the perfect tools through which to put our hateful ideologies and philosophies into action,and out of the practicality of our wrongful ideologies and philosophies here is the world today,and as result of the initial consequences provoked through our hateful tendencies frustration and confusion is troubling us and we keep wondering why that this life had decided pushing us through to this end.

All these things were committed of us as the wrongful natural creatures despite our lack of knowledge and understanding about the origins of this good life,and as a result of our arrogant attitudes and wrongful but hateful pride we tended to pose ourselves as masters and owners of this good life and went ahead with all manner of our hateful and contemptuous attitudes that prove to be prejudicial towards others no matter what our arrogant pride as we ensured the materialization of such provocative deeds,and when life decided the time had eventually come to reprove and rebuke us as the wrongful creatures we then tended to be quarrelsome and straight away questioned the goodness and meaning of this life while being ashamed to accept and acknowledge our wrongful beginnings and become remorseful.

Tribalism alongside racism has always been the two factors to help demonstrate our capacity and ability as living natural creatures in the form of humans to be  hateful towards one another;and as history can attest to that fact;there is no any event and incident among others to account for excessive bloodshed among us as humans than tribalism and racism itself;and because of them and our determination to materialize them life and the whole world has become what it is today;and of the consequences of our arrogant but wrongful beginnings as natural living creatures we  are receiving;and therefore terror is with us.  


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