Our physical structures as living creatures has been adorned with all manner of  features and parts to enable us perform a variety of activities.The ear here and eye over there;a mouth here nose over there; or even the performing hand here and walking leg down there;it is just how we have been naturally created;the reason why we don't have any choice but to utilize these given sorts of embellishments in our quest for compliance.But;above all these given natural  embellishments stands the most crucial of them all and the center of physical life itself;the heart and mind.It is through these two driving factors of physical  life that this whole set of natural embellishments do get controlled and directed;and without the two the physical life itself is doomed and rendered useless.

As we do get on with our daily physical life as natural mortals;we do find ourselves confronted by different experiences from time to time that do compel us in many times to explore with them;and thus acquire that necessary knowledge and understanding about them;and out of that crucial  acquisition of knowledge and understanding we would then decide what to do with it;and out of the decisions made and taken certain consequences will follow;and out of such subsequent  consequences the world in which our physical life do get fulfillment would then be influenced in a particular manner.

As we do utilize these given embellishments to satisfy the desires of our hearts and contents of our minds as natural mortals;we would in many cases find ourselves on the wrong side of physical life;with our wrongful activities helping to do nothing at all beside provoking the wrath and anger of this same natural life that is supposed to take care  of our physical life and straight away groom it for future betterment.That wrath would have been so as a mean through which this natural life do notify us of our failure to comply with  and observe the fundamental laws;the laws and restrictions designed as part and parcel of our physical life since the very first day our physicality was approved and let loose.

The capacity to  preserve the sanctity of our physical frames lies within our abilities and potentials of our commitments and deeds;much as it is that our provocation of unwelcome consequences lies within our weaknesses towards elusive temptations and sweeping challenges.As we do get on with our daily physical life we do find ourselves confronted by a variety of incidents and events that do challenge our conscience and straight away have us lured into contemptuous lifestyles worthy of condemnation and renouncement;lifestyles to prove our failure as physical beings to comply with the rigorous and stringent fundamental laws of living.Some of us would end up being violent and hateful towards others as a result of our mental state that would have long been consumed by our sheer drug addiction and excess;and others would have the sanctity of their physical frames lost to the defiling and profane lifestyles of prostitution among others;all these are  clear signs of loss of proper conscience and desire to contravene one set of the  rigorous and stringent fundamental laws of living.Our sanctity is all but consumed;no wonder then that this life is angry with us;too bad surely.


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