In life we were created to dwell and live together;much as it is that we are compelled to love and respect one another;now that where there is togetherness love and respect will also be found;and in the absence of the two no complete togetherness can be observed and realized;unless partiality and hypocritical incompetence.For that matter of love and respect;no perfection and completeness can come in our lives as living mortals until we have complied;and as our compliance do lack and waver so shall the distance of togetherness increase between us;and the longer the distance the bitter the ending.
As living and natural mortals we would find ourselves at one stage or another in our lives coming into contact with a variety of individual characters;and as we do experiment with such people with whom we do come into contact we would find ourselves left with unanswered questions at times given the distinctiveness of each character from the other;we would even;at times;go as far as arriving at certain inferences about certain characters as part of our own attempt to familiarize ourselves with that particular character and thus discover a thing or two about them.In some cases we would discover later on how wrongful we were in making such initial conclusions about one particular character;only when realizing that what we had initially expected out of that particular character is not what they ended up becoming;and given the weakness that is troubling us as natural mortals beholden to the impulse of negativity and excess;we would even feel ashamed to rebuke ourselves and acknowledge our wrongs;rather remain stubborn and pretend what we are doing is right and in no need of correction.
As part of the hypocrisy that would have long finished with the quality of our hearts and minds;given the weakness induced by our association with the evil impulse;we would not feel ashamed to even hate those who have long surpassed our initial expectations and inferences;develop attitudes of jealousy and secretive enmity against them while pretending to be friendly to them when they are around;only when won over into the realms and sphere of the hypocritical impulse.Our domestic hives that are supposed to be places of serenity and happiness has become a scene of the ultimate showdown;this as a result of our mental state that has become a reflection of what impulse we are actually beholden to.Families are experiencing a major break-up;little children becoming victims of such brutal domestic squabbles ignited by our hypocritical attitudes;and as for the political landscape the rest is history;now that hypocrisy is a perfect and envious tool here with which to attain what was initially impossible;no wonder that the truth is lie and lie the truth as the impulse of hypocrisy do drive its own subjects to the ends of its own missions.
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