
Showing posts from May, 2022


TOSSED AROUND THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. When the universe is created in a certain form. Here is to life itself, here is to the miracles of the very same life, and then here is to the physical universe itself, the work of the hands of this same amazing life. Nothing was present when all these visible and observable miracles were being wrought by the powers of life itself, everything happened after the conclusion and culmination of such miraculous powers and amazing magic, and therefore, nothing knows when and how all these magical miracles happened, observation is  a matter of must, only so as a mean through which to behold the glories of such an amazing magical life, whereas searching is key, only so as a mean through which to attain knowledge and understanding about everything, albeit in a manner that is naturally approved and justifiable. Classification of things is another aspect of this same amazing magic called life; therefore, it is just a matter of acknowledgment that one subje...


  IN THE DEPTHS OF ONENESS. When comfort and peace has come. The extent of comfort and joy generated through the powers of oneness and peace is inexplicable, and therefore, no amount of temptation can help break down that amount of comfort and joy generated through such powers, now that through the effect of such a power of happiness can be guaranteed, and where there is happiness life is always at its best. They will always be present such temptations however, pulling out all the stops in one occasion and another as part of their effort to make this precious life a nightmare, shaking up everything in their attempt to have their way through, now that where there is happiness such temptations do get annoyed and infuriated, no wonder then that in the presence of happiness they will always try to disrupt everything. But after having attained that knowledge and understanding about the state of the prevailing situation, that temptations are trying all of their own best to wreak havoc w...


KNOWING WHAT TO DO. When knowledge has come. Now, knowledge itself is the most precious but natural asset and endowment that is always being sought after by each and every living organism of the physical universe, it is the source of comfort and confidence knowledge, the protector of the victim of circumstances and the leader of the victim of deception, now that out of that life of sophistication the straying victim themselves would have not known what is right or wrong, nor which life is good or bad, they would rather have just went on with their lives like that while wondering what to expect or what the future is having in store for them. The consequences of their life of sophistication would have long been preserved for them, now that in this life there is no any kind or type of activity that is let to flow like that without the handing down of the final benefit, for even if that benefit might seem impossible or unavailable, it will be so only for a little while, at least in the eye...


INVISIBLE PROTECTION. When power lies in consciousness. Now, knowledge itself is another amazing aspect of this same amazing life, and the amazing nature thereof lies in its capacity to take the things of the deep and then put them on the more superficial part of life, so that even the eyes that for some time here were unable to see anything in relation to the main matter can come and have everything in terms of sight given to them, much as it is that every mind that was void of that knowledge and understanding concerning that crucial matter could then come and attain all as far as that consciousness is concerned. Life would have seemed strange and complicated in the beginning and prior to the arrival of that penetrating consciousness, confusion would have been reigning supreme in the first place and frustration perceived as a perfect resort and final solution to the harrowing circumstances. Consciousness would have seemed nonexistent and misunderstanding seen as a permanent reality wh...


INVISIBLE OBSERVER. When watched by the most invisible.  Now, the dynamics of life itself are so amazing, now that they can turn the unknown into realities, change the tide and bring back what has since been thrown away and rejected. Maybe such  a nature of its own comes with the fact that no any living creature is having any power over this same life, or has ever been given that right to possess that power no matter what an attempt to own that power that may emanate from one living creature, or maybe this is a result of the knowledge and understanding that was never given to any living creature concerning how this same  life do make things happen.  As the living organisms and members of this same physical universe we are left with no choice but to accept our situation just as it is in its natural form. Or what is it that we can do when such powers to decide what we want or not had not been preserved for us in the first place? For frankly speaking if we were naturall...


ACTIONS OF MEN. When what we are doing is taking us somewhere else. Now, the human being has been created in a certain form that do make them stand out from the rest of the creatures of the physical universe, and the abilities given to them is so distinct and special so much so that they can create more of an influence within the physical universe where all is taking place. They can inspire goodness such abilities, ruffle things around or even restore betterment in the face of the harrowing desolation and destruction. The physical universe itself, where every living organism has found a haven in which to fulfil the desires of their own hearts, and where everything is taking place, is the latest victim of them all, and there is no any promising sign that its victimization might end up any time soon, not at all, these endless but wrongful activities conducted by those given that natural right in the first place to possess it and observe the beauty thereof, now that it that should  ha...


  FORCED TO ADJUST. When knowledge drags one to adjustment. Sometimes this life can be sweet, sometimes bitter, or even just mild and normal at times, it will depend how things of the day had been arranged and organized by this same life on its own. Sometimes the people can be at peace with others, sometimes adverse towards each other, or even wonder how others are behaving themselves, it will just depend how is the mood of others and how others do see this life. It is just the way this life is, and we the people are having no powers to do anything about this given life except to accept it as it is and then live it the way it should be. The ability and potential to decide how we approach this same given life we are having naturally; life has preserved that right for us all, no wonder then that it is just a matter of how we utilize that given right. Amazingly, that right to do so is coming with a certain underlying magic in it, the magic to decide the nature of our own future for as...


GONE TOO FAR. When actions can bring the unbearable. The physical structure itself has been adorned with capabilities, such are capabilities that can make life take any kind of direction, now that through them goodness can come, happiness be brought, or even disaster be aroused from its resting place. As part of such given capabilities this same physical structure can talk whenever feeling like, never mind what to talk about, or even take a walk around as part of its utilization of the given natural right to do so, never mind where to walk, it can even choose to relax itself, only so as part of its utilization of the natural right to refresh when feeling tempted to do so, never mind how to refresh or with what in this universe of endless miracles. But it is difficult to talk about this same physical structure or think about it without the mentioning of the heart and mind, the two basic components of the physical life itself and the cornerstone thereof, now that without them the physica...


  GIVEN GIFTS AND POWER. When life decides to empower its subjects. The life we are living is having a variety of benefits coming with it, and great lies in the fact that it does not matter which side of life does one find themselves in, for as long as they are alive and able to perform one activity or another, then whatever benefit deserved because of that performance will subsequently come into reality. It is  just a matter of making choices in other ways, but another important reality is that there is a certain underlying reason which because of this same life was given in the first place, and therefore, great challenge lies in the reality of having to search for and find that appropriate reason that is line with one's own existence, now that one would not wake up like that and find everything they are looking or had been looking for having surrounded them all at once, not at all, they will have to firstly struggle for that success instead, and as they keep struggling on th...