When comfort and peace has come.
The extent of comfort and joy generated through the powers of oneness and peace is inexplicable, and therefore, no amount of temptation can help break down that amount of comfort and joy generated through such powers, now that through the effect of such a power of happiness can be guaranteed, and where there is happiness life is always at its best. They will always be present such temptations however, pulling out all the stops in one occasion and another as part of their effort to make this precious life a nightmare, shaking up everything in their attempt to have their way through, now that where there is happiness such temptations do get annoyed and infuriated, no wonder then that in the presence of happiness they will always try to disrupt everything. But after having attained that knowledge and understanding about the state of the prevailing situation, that temptations are trying all of their own best to wreak havoc within the perimeters of the physical universe, manipulating every prospective weaker vessel as possible as they can, only so as a mean through which to consolidate their dominance and effect within the atmospheres of such situations, so that no goodness and happiness can find any mean of survival within such situations, so as to make this precious life appear to be a reality that should have not been allowed to exist in the first place, thus paving the way for desperation and frustration, with such frustrations effecting hopelessness within the hearts and minds of the concerned victims, then the powers of comfort and consolation will rise up, only so as to shake off all the prevailing stereotypes and superstitions while clearing the way for all to see. All these after there has been a deep outcry emanating from the victims of the circumstances, who had been wondering from time to time about how and why the supposed precious life could have been dragged into that kind of a situation, with the apparently invincible temptations being ostensibly ostentatious around, and the captives thereof being confident and proud that the status quo will remain as permanent as it is, then comfort and consolation arose and all hell broke loose.
Happiness and joy could have never been of that extent by then, now that the powers that had been made to lie dormant for a certain period fulfilled their round eventually, and now that the apparently missing oneness had been restored, no wonder then that the seeming invincible temptations had no place for survival anymore, at least in the lives of the former victims when normalcy was restored, much to the frustration and infuriation of the captives themselves, now that what was not expected had been turned into reality, and now that what had been expected never lasted long. Life had approved oneness and peace by then, no wonder then those temptations collapsed.
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