When knowledge drags one to adjustment.
Sometimes this life can be sweet, sometimes bitter, or even just mild and normal at times, it will depend how things of the day had been arranged and organized by this same life on its own. Sometimes the people can be at peace with others, sometimes adverse towards each other, or even wonder how others are behaving themselves, it will just depend how is the mood of others and how others do see this life. It is just the way this life is, and we the people are having no powers to do anything about this given life except to accept it as it is and then live it the way it should be.
The ability and potential to decide how we approach this same given life we are having naturally; life has preserved that right for us all, no wonder then that it is just a matter of how we utilize that given right. Amazingly, that right to do so is coming with a certain underlying magic in it, the magic to decide the nature of our own future for as long as we do behave in one way or the other, and the magic through which to adopt a certain personal character and identity for as long as we do take one action or another. However, such a right to do all these does not come without consequences nor limitations, for as long as one action is being undertaken then a certain benefit is going to show up subsequently.
It is because of the very same magic, and the powerful effect thereof, combined with our consistent activities, that at one stage or another in our lives we would encounter certain realities that do compel us to adapt to their compulsions. Our adaptation will always ensure us new heights in our lives while giving us that opportunity to understand deeper part of life's dynamics, and as we do swing along therein the benefits thereof would also reach our lives, with the understanding about the direction to which this life is taking us growing larger, and eventually knowledge would then come into our lives, only so as to make us know all about what we had been provoking through our actions, and it will depend whether we are satisfied with what we would be getting or not, but no matter what our situation, life would still drag us into a forced adjustment, now that what we would have been receiving will have been what we had initially sought after through the consistent techniques of our own commitments.
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