When what we are doing is taking us somewhere else.
Now, the human being has been created in a certain form that do make them stand out from the rest of the creatures of the physical universe, and the abilities given to them is so distinct and special so much so that they can create more of an influence within the physical universe where all is taking place. They can inspire goodness such abilities, ruffle things around or even restore betterment in the face of the harrowing desolation and destruction. The physical universe itself, where every living organism has found a haven in which to fulfil the desires of their own hearts, and where everything is taking place, is the latest victim of them all, and there is no any promising sign that its victimization might end up any time soon, not at all, these endless but wrongful activities conducted by those given that natural right in the first place to possess it and observe the beauty thereof, now that it that should have been fulfilled by them proved to be too much of a task to carry out, at least according to the perceptions of theirs when weakness had put them under sheer conquest and subjugation, and there is the sole main reason behind their weakness, this feeble physical structure wherein their lives had been bound ever since, much as it is that there is only but one source behind their weakness, this powerful impulse that took advantage of their physicality since formed and straightaway cast them into a state of emergency. The possibility to have that imposing state of emergency put to an end has always been available among them from time to time, this impulse of humility and justice existing side by side with the deceiver and their destroyer, appropriate adjustment is therefore necessary as it has always been the case. The humility and patience of the busting impulse has always been giving it that form of nonexistence and unavailability, so much so that the deceiver and destroyer believed in the perceptions of its own mind and thus claimed victory all over the physical universe itself, unsurprisingly though, now that the extent of destruction that it had been wreaking therein proved to be massive enough to boost its claims. The agents of the very same deceiver and destroyer took turns fulfilling the missions thereof, they just could not resist the compulsive drive harbored by their master impulse, and as the extent of the intense destruction boosted the claims of their master impulse, so were such agents thereof, thereby assuring them all an apparent superiority difficult to overcome. The justice of life itself, arbored by the very same impulse of humility, that has since taken that form and nature of nonexistence and unavailability, had them all given that chance and opportunity to indulge themselves in their own claims, so much so that it seemed as if the time for them to eventually get what they do deserve will never come, and as such claims of theirs were getting boosted by the prevailing state of affairs, so was the time for them to get what they deserve drawing nearer and nearer, patience supervised the operations of the very same impulse of humility. Eventually destruction culminated, normalcy seemed impossible and clarity non-existent then the impulse of humility received an opportunity that it had been patiently waiting for, life had now given it that chance to finally fulfils its own duties, and as it has always been the case as far as the techniques of life in executing its assignments are concerned, equality was given that central part, lest the impulse of discrimination and injustice feel favored when the final consequences are handed down. As the very same final moment arrived alongside circumstances surrounding it, life never seemed as usual as it is supposed to be, these harrowing experiences meant to reprove the deceiver and destroyer alongside the agents thereof, the wrath of life had to be proven in its entirety and the effect thereof be observed throughout the physical universe, and slow by slow the same universe was taken into the depths of life irrespective of who is who or what is what, the agents of destruction alongside their master impulse had themselves left with but only one choice, to accept their wrongful beginnings or proceed therein and await more.
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