When knowledge has come.
Now, knowledge itself is the most precious but natural asset and endowment that is always being sought after by each and every living organism of the physical universe, it is the source of comfort and confidence knowledge, the protector of the victim of circumstances and the leader of the victim of deception, now that out of that life of sophistication the straying victim themselves would have not known what is right or wrong, nor which life is good or bad, they would rather have just went on with their lives like that while wondering what to expect or what the future is having in store for them. The consequences of their life of sophistication would have long been preserved for them, now that in this life there is no any kind or type of activity that is let to flow like that without the handing down of the final benefit, for even if that benefit might seem impossible or unavailable, it will be so only for a little while, at least in the eyes of the deceived, and when that final moment had come for this life to have things going its own way, then all what is appropriate will be let loose, irrespective of the nature of the status quo or the perceptions of the protagonist themselves. The victim of the situation themselves would have been wondering from time to time concerning the nature of the situation wherein they would be finding themselves, wondering how come in a real and generous life can the situation be of that nature, and also wondering if ever a way out of such harrowing and unwelcome circumstances is naturally available or how to get there if ever that way is indeed existent. Such a victim would have been worked out completely by the nature of the status quo, wailed day in and out for the possibility of a redeemer in their lives, and then wished that they had been given those natural powers to have this life going their own way, only to realize that they are just dreaming and hoping, now that they would have understood all about their duty and task of having to face the situation head on no matter how uncomfortable it might be. A way out of all such things would have been preserved for them, of this life, even long before their physicality could be given that right to visibility, now that knowledge itself would have known all about everything beforehand, and therefore, everything will have to be fulfilled. Eventually, knowledge will come, dragging itself along with consciousness and understanding while extending its capacity and might to the victim of the situation, only so as a mean to show them that it is not through the will of the physicality that certain things are prevailing, rather because of certain actions of the very same physicality that life do throw the very same physicality somewhere else sometimes, now that there is no any action undertaken by the physicality itself that goes unmonitored by life itself. These supervisory measures would have been so only as to ensure that every reward goes where it is suitable, without any discrimination or misgivings. And then the physicality would witness everything when handed down to them by life itself, after those times of searching for certain crucial realities without any available sign of success, only so as a way by this life to emphasize the importance of patience, and then that long awaited happiness would then be embraced and cherished, now that knowledge and understanding about all things would have eventually come.
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