When power lies in consciousness.
Now, knowledge itself is another amazing aspect of this same amazing life, and the amazing nature thereof lies in its capacity to take the things of the deep and then put them on the more superficial part of life, so that even the eyes that for some time here were unable to see anything in relation to the main matter can come and have everything in terms of sight given to them, much as it is that every mind that was void of that knowledge and understanding concerning that crucial matter could then come and attain all as far as that consciousness is concerned. Life would have seemed strange and complicated in the beginning and prior to the arrival of that penetrating consciousness, confusion would have been reigning supreme in the first place and frustration perceived as a perfect resort and final solution to the harrowing circumstances. Consciousness would have seemed nonexistent and misunderstanding seen as a permanent reality whose end would not come at all, and when all such things are taking place life itself would then be felt like a harsh and rough reality that should have never been given that right to exist in the first place, and death would then be summarized by the victim of circumstances time after time, only so as to try and see if there is no any existing shortcut that might be taken advantage of to get there swiftly. But given the manner in which this same life was created in the first place, the powerful reason would have also been existent in the face of all such unwelcome circumstances, busy monitoring the dynamics of the situation, so as a mean through which to see to it that no irrational decision is getting undertaken by the victim without the existing warning of things to come, should only that decision be finalized, and after the issuing of such warnings then it will be up to the victim of the situation themselves to decide, whether they choose to heed the terms of the given warning or to stand against them, now that given the nature in which this life was created it is just about every living organism that is having a right to make choices and then await the final outcome. This same knowledge alongside the powerful reason would have been monitoring the situation in this manner, and issuing such warnings to prospective victims of the prevailing circumstances, so that after all things had been fulfilled no part of life could then come to be seen by the victim of the situation as having not been fulfilled properly by this same life, at least be viewed in this manner by the very same victim of the situation, only when being ashamed and reluctant to admit their erroneous and wrongful beginnings, and then do so only as an attempt to formulate a certain false pretext behind which they can then come and hide themselves after realizing their abominable and woeful failures in life. The agents of destruction would have been actively operational within such circumstances, knowing no peace nor rest in their lives as they would have been executing their own operations, now that their mission would have been only that one of wreaking destruction in life, thus rendering the physical universe completely desolate and polluted, only so as an attempt to have the existing consciousness subdued and completely troubled so much so that it might even seem nonexistent and powerless. But there it would be existing that consciousness in the face of all these, albeit in a secretive and silent manner.
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