When life decides to empower its subjects.

The life we are living is having a variety of benefits coming with it, and great lies in the fact that it does not matter which side of life does one find themselves in, for as long as they are alive and able to perform one activity or another, then whatever benefit deserved because of that performance will subsequently come into reality. It is  just a matter of making choices in other ways, but another important reality is that there is a certain underlying reason which because of this same life was given in the first place, and therefore, great challenge lies in the reality of having to search for and find that appropriate reason that is line with one's own existence, now that one would not wake up like that and find everything they are looking or had been looking for having surrounded them all at once, not at all, they will have to firstly struggle for that success instead, and as they keep struggling on that final moment for them to realize the benefits of their struggle will come.
When that moment to get what is being deserved has come, the other ultimate challenge will always lie in the realization of impossibility to reverse the prevailing circumstances, for when this life had decided on a thing or two nothing will change until all is done, and after all had been fulfilled then a second chance to contemplate on further steps will start showing up, and it will then be a matter of how to take advantage of the given second chance. Dangerous temptations would not be letting the unfolding circumstances flourish without making any interference and interruption with them, no, not at all, rather spend some time creating their own effect and meddling with everything as possible as they can, so that their standing power within the dynamics of the prevailing circumstances might influence a certain disturbance and misunderstanding alongside  confusion and frustration, and that the receiver of that second chance may not realize the importance of that precious moment in their lives, rather perceive it as another cumbersome stumbling block that should have never been given that right to exist.
But no matter what the nature of the prevailing affairs, where temptations would be creating their interferences, the generosity of life will also be interfering with the techniques of the imposing obstacles, pushing them to this side at one stage while anticipating them to another side at another stage, so that those with the courage to cherish the given second chance in their lives might not feel forsaken and left out, rather strong enough to celebrate the given opportunity, now that they would have been wondering, almost for the rest of their lives, if that possibility for a new change will ever reach their lives, and through that generous second chance in their lives they would feel strong to stand up and face the situation as it is, life would have empowered them by then, and reluctance to glorify this
same life would have long been trampled under their feet.



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